Girl Genius
Girl Genius

Appearances subpage for Van Rijn.

This page is a list of appearances of a Girl Genius character or other entity. It was (semi-)automatically generated from the Chronology pages; do not edit. Instead, make sure the Chronology records have the relevant data (links) and request an update from Zarchne.

The list below mainly catalogs links, but if this is a character, it also searches all the text (after the links are removed) for the name or its redirects. This can cause false positives. These matches to non-link text are marked with T.

In the data below, after a prefix showing if flashback, etc. was noted, then if the match is not in the character field (after footnotes removed), the first field that matched is noted, or finally if it is in the footnotes (of any of the fields). This is followed by the contents of the character field (with footnotes stripped out).

These are matches for the word "Van Rijn".

Volume V

Agatha Meets Moxana

Agatha vs the Jagers

Off to the Palace

The Storm King

Volume IX

Nanny Attack!

Volume X

The Thing from the Pit

Blowing a Gasket

Volume XI

Transferring VonPinn

Volume 2-1

What Lady Selnikov Did

Volume 2-2

The Notebook

Volume 2-3

The Incorruptible Library

Examining the Book

The King's Reading Chamber

The Hermitorium

Who Gets To Play With Whom

Good Work Bartleby

The Crypt of Prende

The Storm King Awakens

Looting the Dungeon

Checking Out of the Library

Volume 2-4

Beausoleil Rants and Gloats (non-canon)

Agatha's New Dress

The Return Of The King

Voltaire Gets Some Bad Juice (non-canon)

Wizard Duel

Contingency Plans

Volume 2-7

Albia Appears

Volume 2-8

Tarvek Has a Surprise

Too Many Jaegers

Volume 2-9

Arriving In Collette's Paris

Volume 2-10

Old Lantern, New Name

This page generated from Chronology data downloaded 2024-04-17 22:09+00:00.
