Girl Genius
Girl Genius

"Fear me... if you dare!"

The Shrike is the name given to a (currently anonymous) rebel swordswoman in the revenant-infested kingdom of Holfung-Borzoi.

Local superstition holds her to be a ghost, and the "new" king has declared her a bandit. With the aid of the Corbettites, the Shrike has been able to put up a decent resistance to the Other within the local area. Her true identity is, as of now, a mystery.

She is yet to appear in person in the comic, but she is mentioned by Colette in her discussion of current affairs with Gil and Tarvek in Paris.

She has shown up in Othar's Twitter adventures, when the man himself and Eotain meet her in Holfung-Borzoi. In his words, she "has the regal bearing that is taught to royalty from a very young age". She is a superb fencer able to outmatch Othar and Eotain fighting together. From her abilities, she seems "to be a construct of some kind", but unlike most constructs, she has "no stitching, no devices, nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever." The Twitter account currently ends in the midst of this confrontation, but the comic has shown that Othar and Eotain survive and return to Paris.

Theories and Speculations[]

One possibility for the Shrike's true identity would be a revived Zulenna Luzhakna, it being consistent with Othar's observations above, her talent with a sword, and her familiarity with the landscape, people, and politics of Holfung-Borzoi.
