Girl Genius
Girl Genius

The First Journey of Agatha Heterodyne is the full, official title of the first thirteen volumes in the story of Agatha Heterodyne. Agatha's full history has the blanket title Girl Genius. The titles of the volumes in the First Journey all start with the phrase "Agatha Heterodyne and the…".

This part of the story was originally referred to as the "first half of the story" or "season one," as the Foglios discussed their plans to eventually create "a second half of the story" or "season two." For a long time it wasn't clear when, or even if, "season two" would start, but it did on Monday, March 3, 2014. At that point, the Foglios had decided to use the name Act 2 instead of "season two" for this part of the story, calling the first part Act 1.

Eventually, they decided to use the name The Second Journey of Agatha Heterodyne, instead of Act 2, for the books following volume 13, at least for titling and marketing purposes, and began referring to the original thirteen volumes as The First Journey of Agatha Heterodyne. However, Act 1 is still used as a much shorter nickname by both fans and the Foglios for the first part of Girl Genius. Since the First Journey designation for the set of the first thirteen volumes of the story wasn't thought of until well after volume 13 had been completed, it is not referred to anywhere on the covers or elsewhere in those volumes. The recent (Summer 2023) reprints of three of the First Journey volumes as standard hardcovers and softcovers reproduced the original covers and title pages and there is still no reference to the "First Journey" in those books.

On the Girl Genius wiki, for historical reasons, the first thirteen volumes are usually designated by Roman numerals. You will see them numbered that way on the chronology pages and on many other pages in this wiki. You will also occasionally see them designated by Arabic numerals on newer pages; the eventual goal is to replace the Roman numeral volume designations with Arabic numerals throughout this wiki.

Titles of Volumes Included in The First Journey[]

See Also[]
