Paris needs pants! -- Tarvek[1]
Pants or trousers are a staple of comedy. There are baggy pants and clown pants, but the loss of said item of clothing is usually considered the pinnacle of pants humor. The Foglios are well aware of this and pants comedy plays a major role in the humor of Girl Genius which is a work in which humor plays a large part.
Appearances (and Disappearances) of Pants[]
In Canon[]
(In order of appearance.)
- Agatha didn't wear pants ✣ before she was on Castle Wulfenbach.
- A line from the Heterodyne show Race to the West Pole[2] goes "Why am I tied to this table? And where are my pants?" ✣
- "Klaus" finishes The Heterodyne Boys and the Socket Wench of Prague wearing his pants on his head. ✣ Also, according to Agatha H. and the Clockwork Princess, the play features a Stranger who informs a horrified Lucrezia that he has already taken off his pants.
- Gott's little feesh in trousers is apparently ✣ a common ✣ Jäger expletive.
- Zeetha comments on Gil's sartorial choices ✣ .
- Violetta chastises Tarvek and Gil for walking around without pants in front of Agatha ✣ during the Si Vales Valeo procedure.
- Agatha gives Zola a pants ✣ -related nickname.
- Othar wears "very heroic" special trousers. ✣
- Agatha can't squeeze into some captured pants. ✣
- Tweedle calls for ✣ some pants while battling Geisters in his masquerade costume.
- Tarvek Sturmvoraus helps Colette Voltaire become presentable after her breakthrough consumed her clothes. "Paris" needs pants ✣ !
- Tarvek tries to show Violetta how much he cares but is told to hold the condescension for when she has pants ✣ .
- Krosp angrily rejects the suggestion that he should wear trousers. ✣
In Cinderella[]
- A prince has created clockwork pants ✣ , but we don't get to see them in operation.
See Also[]
- ↑ Kings and Wizards, volume 20 or book 4 of the Second Journey, web page 115, panel 2.
- ↑ The play this line comes from is identified on an earlier page ✣ of the comic.