Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Forums: Index > Watercooler > Retcon

A retcon has been made. Where previously on page 74 of volume 1 Baron Wulfenbach had said to Gilgamesh "Red fire boy, didn't you date at school?" he now says Red fire boy, what kind of young women did you associate with at school?”

This change is in keeping with the new idea that everyone in the comic thinks that Gilgamesh has slept around excessively. I believe that this idea first emerged when Tarvek was expositing about his and Gilgamesh’s former friendship.

I’m not sure, but it is likely that other retcons have been made. In any case the new line is inferior in tone to the old, and I find the way it changes Gilgamesh’s history unappealing. I may be nit-picking, but this really does bother me.


There were a variety of changes made when the colored version of volume 1 was released. (Reviewing the two versions for changes is on my list, right after finishing the Chronology.) Argadi 15:35, January 22, 2011 (UTC)
Dreadhead, The Foglios have the attitude that the web comic is up for revision until it is in print. Those who wish to be first to see a page often find themselves on the Foglios proof reading staff. Kaja is very good at making changes in dialog quickly. On one page Zola literally switched which hand she held Zeetha's sword after people pointed out the continuity error. The appropriate thing to do if you catch one of these and feel it worsens rather than improves the comic is contact the Foglios via the webmistress at ggonline and let them know. Think carefully if it is important before you bother them but generally letting them know is the appropriate thing to do. For this wikia site the useful thing to do is to note any significant changes on the chronology entry or the appropriate chronology talk page. This is a wiki. The rule is edit boldly and then respect any input that comes in the way of criticism. --Rej¿¤¤? 23:05, January 22, 2011 (UTC)
P.P.S. Re-reading the two lines they both eqaully sound like the Baron to me. So you are on your own. Still it is always nice to find another sharp eyed reader. We are a wiki. We could use your help. Cheers, --Rej