Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Forums: Index > Page-by-Page > 2022-01-12 (Wednesday)

Genius is an infinite capacity for making edits.

So, have they devolved to the point of being incapable of speech? And, are they just going to kill anyone in front of them, or are they going to be on someone's side? Ideal would be if they're angry about being locked up and so they're anti-Monahan. Bkharvey (talk) 06:22, 12 January 2022 (UTC)

If the skull on the floor just inside the door is any indication, I think "Eeyaaagbhpt!" might translate into "Fresh Meat!"--Doug Relyea (talk) 15:54, 12 January 2022 (UTC)
At this point I think you might both be right. Certainly their immediate attention might be on DuPree and her associates and I think it's significant that she does look troubled here. She's almost unflappable, loves a good fight, but this one seems to give her pause. I wonder if it is because she's in command and is taking it very seriously? I am curious to see how she responds. They retreated inside to get away from the Corrupted Deepdwellers, now find Corrupted Minions inside? There's nowhere left to go! Except underground.. Hmm.. However, since their corruption comes from the same source, although there's no telling how Monahan may have experimented with the stuff, they might work in a similar way to the corrupted Deepdwellers, who may not have arrived on the island by chance. Perhaps both groups will decide they have a common enemy? Trouble is, WHO or WHAT is that enemy? If the corruption is due to a natural occurrence, not human/spark interference.. Otherwise, whoever or whatever is behind that corruption might be in Very Big Trouble indeed! TheCinC (talk) 22:05, 12 January 2022 (UTC)

Clever girl! -- SpareParts (talk) 14:04, 12 January 2022 (UTC)

That's a lot of minions! Her research grants must be spectacular. Wonder if Monahan has tenure somewhere... DLcygnet (talk) 15:26, 12 January 2022 (UTC)

I do wonder what kind of person decides to keep sending people, even minions, if they continually lose contact with every single one of them. Seems wasteful, even by baddie standards. Good minions don't grow on trees, you know.. Unless.. Hmm, maybe someone should make that a new project? TheCinC (talk) 22:05, 12 January 2022 (UTC)