Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Forums: Index > Page-by-Page > 2020-10-12 (Monday)

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Patreon posted very early so I'm seeing Monday's comic now. Not to spoil anything but Martellus makes a comment which makes me suspect he has plans against Tarvek while in Britain. Ok, I know that's not really a stretch but it seems slightly more immediate. Lapointdm (talk) 00:56, 12 October 2020 (UTC)

So if it's up on Patreon, does that count as a sneaky gate, or can we talk about it? (There's lots to talk about.) Bkharvey (talk) 00:58, 12 October 2020 (UTC)

I'm really not sure what the etiquette is for talking about that. People who support them on Patreon will see it but those who do not do not see the comic. 01:03, 12 October 2020 (UTC) 01:04, 12 October 2020 (UTC)
You need to wait until the page has been posted to the public Girl Genius comic website before you can talk about it here. It is up now, so go at it. -- William Ansley (talk) 04:26, 12 October 2020 (UTC)
And it's there on the Girl Genius webpage. Cute lightning bolts. I wonder what person Tweedle used to uplift Floozy. Anybody seen Sparafucile lately? Doug Relyea
She was lugging Seffie's bookstore purchases. --Geoduck42 (talk) 04:58, 12 October 2020 (UTC)

So I claim half a Moxana point for predicting that he wanted an equivalent to Agatha's weasel. I didn't predict that it would also be uplifted. I don't understand the connection Tweedle is making when, in response to "Will it hurt her?" he says "Of course not. I want it to be able to get to me quickly." What do hurt and quickly have to do with each other? (Notice by the way that Seffie says "her" and Tweedle says "it." I'm more of an "it" person myself, when it comes to animals, even though I know that's not how I'm supposed to feel.) Alas, his finger-on-nose when saying "our secret" is wasted on Seffie, who has eyes only for the cat. I bet she does get it to be more polite, by being nice to it. Oh, Doug, clearly the cute lightning bolts mean that he used Harry Potter! (Although, why do you think a person had to be sacrificed? Oh, I guess you were making a very subtle Harry Potter joke that I unsubtled.) So, Seffie is usually quicker on the uptake than this. Tweedle has just told her he wants the existence of a weasel-ish cat to be a secret, and her reaction is "why not just go home?" as if that wouldn't make it obvious. Channeling Lapointdm, I guess "a few things to take care of here" is the threat against Tarvek, although I'd say probably not against his life; Albia would take his in return. 05:01, 12 October 2020 (UTC)

P.S. The fact that he wants the cat as an Agatha-substitute seems to suggest that he's given up on really fixing the problem. Bkharvey (talk) 05:05, 12 October 2020 (UTC)

Since the Professors declared any information about General Zadipok to be SPOILERS, I won't expand on my theory I started earlier. It is one part of the Secret Blueprints One I think is still valid. Having been around cats, I thought it cute Martellus thought he could mark Floozy as property of the Storm King. Humans don't own cats, Cats hang out with people they like.
We already know Martellus's idea of fixing the problem is not the same as Agatha's, Gil's and Tarvek's idea of fixing the problem. I do hope Tarvek is wearing a Kevlar short sleeved T-shirt. He only survived Tweedle's last attempt by way of the Timestop.
Looking at something else with my account, I see I'm on a list that no longer exists. Auto-confirmed users, IIRC. Is that what might be in the way of me signing in? Doug Relyea
I made a page (empty). See if that changes anything. Bkharvey (talk) 08:44, 13 October 2020 (UTC)
The Autoconfirmed users is no longer in red on my preferences page, but the editor still won't load. Progress bar fills to roughly 80% and stops.Doug Relyea
Oh that happens to me too in Firefox but it works for me in Chrome. But I thought the problem we're solving is that you can't log in? Bkharvey (talk) 11:10, 13 October 2020 (UTC)
I can log in, but the editor has to load for me to use Talk. And it may not be a complete log-in. I can only access the first page in Preferences. Pushing the other buttons, nothing happens. Doug Relyea
Doesn't anybody remember the hairstyle of the Bride of Frankenstein? That's what I think of.
Great minds not only think alike but have identical timing. I was just trying to post the following when the above item was posted (by Doug Relyea, I presume).
My first thought at seeing the mirror-symmetrical lightning bolts on the Kitchen's cat forehead was neither "Harry Potter" or "Lightning King", but rather "Bride of Frankenstein". (I hope this cat gets an official name soon. I dislike Floozy as a fan nickname, but "the Kitchen's cat", the only designation that has been used for her in the comic, and the one I have used for her in the chronology, is obviously much too awkward to keep using.)
Phil Foglio made an interesting post on Twitter regarding this page. He said, in part:
Today in Girl Genius, we have Finally introduced a character we've been waiting to bring into the story for over 15 years.
This not only implies that the Kitchen's cat will become a major character in the story, but also that, while she was conceived of quite early on, she wasn't planned on from the very beginning. -- William Ansley (talk) 17:33, 12 October 2020 (UTC)
This character actually showed up in the conic on valentines day this year. that suggests to me along with ehr actions is that she is meant to be a romantic foil. 02:02, 13 October 2020 (UTC)
What I remembered about Bride of Frankenstein wasn't the lightning bolts, but the super tall hair, like Marge Simpson, or Steelgarter, who is definitely monstrous. Bkharvey (talk) 00:20, 13 October 2020 (UTC)
Sorry, that was not me with the post about the hairstyle of the Bride of Frankenstein. (Though I did remember it after reading it.) Doug Relyea
No need for an apology on your part. The message was posted right below yours and was identified by an IP#, so I made an incorrect presumption. If anyone should apologize, it's me. -- William Ansley (talk) 01:40, 13 October 2020 (UTC)
Fifteen years ago is about eight years before Honker appeared and about eight years before the creation of the chemical connection requiring service animals. That gives an insight in their planning. Argadi (talk) 15:41, 13 October 2020 (UTC)