Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Forums: Index > Page-by-Page > 2020-04-13 (Monday)

Veni, vidi, wiki (I came, I saw, I edited).

Rhino-hide your feelings some more Oggie. (Zeetha's expression in the last panel puts the lie to his words.)

I took that interchange to mean that she was ugly by Jäger standards, i.e., beautiful by human standards. Bkharvey (talk) 08:52, April 13, 2020 (UTC)
Speaking of Zeetha, is she suffering from Goose-bumps again?  She ditched the Bandeau top for a half Tee-shirt. Doug Relyea (talk) 05:04, April 13, 2020 (UTC)
Speaking of Zeetha, interesting in this context to note that, besides not himself being uglified upon his transition to Jägerhood, and despite his disappointment about that, Higgs's own standard of female beauty hasn't suffered.  Bkharvey (talk) 08:56, April 13, 2020 (UTC)
That appears to be a Higgs undershirt. Plus, someone (Kaja, experiment number two) might have suggested to Phil that there was enough fan service. --Fred1740 (talk) 11:58, April 13, 2020 (UTC)

Okay, I thought it looked familiar.  Muscle shirt wouldn't surface in my mind for the earlier post.  At the risk of being labelled for this, it seems to me there's more fan service in panel 3, not less. Doug Relyea (talk) 17:46, April 13, 2020 (UTC)

Ready? 1-- 2-- 3-- DAAAWWWW!

I'm impressed with the continunity. Oggie has been wearing that necklace since we met them here!  I wonder if this is something the Foglios always intended. DLcygnet (talk) 15:27, April 13, 2020 (UTC)

-- SpareParts (talk) 13:34, April 13, 2020 (UTC)

Im impressed that Oggie is sewing and repairing his clothes. It makes sense that he would, but you dont often expect to see these little mundane touches in a comic. Lapointdm (talk) 16:29, April 13, 2020 (UTC)
