Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Forums: Index > Page-by-Page > 2016-05-30 (Monday)

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DENIED! Now, will she be dead to rights to a Smoke Knight shank, or will she wriggle free of Prende's grip? --MadCat221 (talk) 04:30, May 30, 2016 (UTC)

How will Agatha get past when Madwa is blocked? Argadi (talk) 10:21, May 30, 2016 (UTC)

So it appears that Madwa is not wasped... unless we assume that she (and by extension, The Other) has a way to fool the waspeaters at very close distances. Smoke Knight stealth shouldn't do squat to a waspeaters senses. Autoch (talk) 19:57, May 30, 2016 (UTC)

They seem to need to be in proximity of a screening subject's respiratory orifices to detect. Remember how Klaus had to hogtie Bang for the vespers to screen her. Madwa probably just made it a point to stay away from Agatha or wherever else Honker was. Now that the Wasp Eater Monograph is out there, many sparks with an interest in keeping their minions wasp-free will now be tinkering with the construct design of the Wasp Eater, and they may be able to expand their range of sensitivity.--MadCat221 (talk) 01:07, May 31, 2016 (UTC)
My take was that Klaus "hogtied" Bang not so she could be screened, but because she is so dangerous that, if she did turn out to be wasped, she would be able to kill a whole bunch of people and escape once her secret was revealed, if she was unrestrained. -- William Ansley (talk) 02:49, May 31, 2016 (UTC)
It takes time to detect. When has Madwa been close to a waspeater for more than a fraction of a second? Argadi (talk) 10:15, May 31, 2016 (UTC)
She's been very close for the past several minutes at least, as is evidenced by her recent discovery by the muse. Autoch (talk) 13:05, May 31, 2016 (UTC)
But not "weasel shoved in your face to be screened for waspies" close. There were sleeper revs all over the place in the Aurguron Palace, but Honker didn't get set off until the assassin was at that proximity. Madwa surely knows what a wasp eater is, and if she was wasped, she would have made it a point to stay away from Honker lest he detect her. She surely saw or heard Agatha screen Uncle Tiktok with Honker. If she's not wasped, then Honker isn't of use at detecting her to begin with. Honker not going off at Madwa means nothing, because he has not been positioned at a proximity where he can conclusively screen her.--MadCat221 (talk) 18:46, May 31, 2016 (UTC)