Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Forums: Index > Page-by-Page > 2014-05-28 (Wednesday)

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It's Vole!

Well... Bang will be pleased. If it works, that is. Besides being an expendable and also conveniently age-immune test subject, do any other reasons for extracting Vole come to mind? --MadCat221 (talk) 05:44, May 28, 2014 (UTC)

Gil was keeping him around to make certain that other potential enemies would learn from Vole's example. He was Gil's analog of Kato, Inspector Clouseau's valet. -- Billy Catringer (talk) 06:50, May 28, 2014 (UTC)
Poor Gil already has a giant vaguely Van Rijn-style battle clank threatening to kill him if he goes awry, and now Bang has been increasingly displeased with him. I'm not sure having a third person who wants to kill him is a good idea. --MadCat221 (talk) 07:44, May 28, 2014 (UTC)
A Jager would know the Hetrodyne tricks better, and can literally smell her out. Depends how much Gil knows about Vole's attitude towards Agatha and her family by this part though...and how much Klaus is influencing this. Given Bang's attitude lately, I wonder if she will even be present to hear the good news? Finally, I want to see Dimo fight Vole!! Not just the whole proving he is a general thing, but I am curious about how when Da Boyz met him while bringing Gil into Mechanicsburg he seemed confident he could take down FOUR Jagers on his own. -- 19:30, May 28, 2014 (UTC)

I believe the mostly obscured sign on the building in the first panel reads, "POLIȚIA," which is the Romanian word for "POLICE." The parts of the letters you can see look like "POLIT" and the building has a traditional "police station" lamp on the front. -- William Ansley (talk) 12:44, May 28, 2014 (UTC)

And the castle said they are near the jail (gaol), which are often inside or beside police stations (well, small jails).Julien Rousseau (talk) 11:50, June 5, 2014 (UTC)

Man, does Vole have an ever so big bottom front fang in the penultimate panel.Julien Rousseau (talk) 11:50, June 5, 2014 (UTC)
