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Discussion for comic for 2011-05-23 (Monday) .

This is what Carson von Mekkan was talking about just before Agatha entered the Castle. Mechanicsburg is about to be the battleground. Only Agatha can insure that it's a player, not just terrain. AndyAB99 23:59, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

I Volunteer as the new central leader, vote for me. Agathahetrodyne 17:39, May 23, 2011 (UTC)

Nice touch, Aggie. -- Billy Catringer 09:37, May 24, 2011 (UTC)
What? No mention of the Jägers? After his talk with the Jäger Generals, Boris must be expecting them to be on the move.Ccubed 04:25, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

Well, we have at least one new character, The Philosopher King of the University of Aalborg. It seems natural to shorten that to "Aalborg." His coalition, the Smatterburg Dutchies is a previously unidentified political unit. I don't know what "shock cannons" are, but they are evidently heavy. It will be a while before these forces arrive at the gates of Mechanicsburg.

More ominous are the dragoons, some mounted on regular horses, some on foot and some mounted on previously unmentioned critters called a drakken horses. The drakken horses appear to be sizeable constructs strong enough to carry heavily armoured turrets on their backs.
For all of the dragoons recognizable fighting ability, they must be short on supplies. They otherwise would not be causing damage to the surrounding countryside as they progressed. The fact that these troops are under the orders of the Fifty Families is ominous. It is also an obviously desperate effort on the part of the Fifty Families. They otherwise would have seen to it that their troops were well fed. -- Billy Catringer 16:34, May 24, 2011 (UTC)
Other options for the damage: 1) The actual group controlling the troops is trying to give the group apparently controlling the troops a bad reputation. 2) They want to show they can cause harm with impunity, therefore showing the Baron is not in control. Argadi 10:42, May 24, 2011 (UTC)
You could be right, Argadi, but it could as easily be a combination of the ruthless desire to dominate and necessity. -- Billy Catringer 16:34, May 24, 2011 (UTC)
3) they just don't care to use streets all the time and destroy fields as they walk across them. also, the drakken horses might even destroy the streets they walk upon. Finn MacCool 13:14, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

I cannot say for certain about the "genuine but suspiciously well-equipped popular uprising" the "Deepthinker" mentions, but I suspect that every last one of them is infected with a mind controlling slaver wasp. -- Billy Catringer 09:37, May 24, 2011 (UTC)
