Girl Genius
Girl Genius
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Discussion for comic for 2009-10-23 (Friday) .

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Hmm. Cure them, then kill them? Wasn't the SVV supposed to work the other way around. You just can't beat Heterodyne Health Care. --Rej¿¤¤? 04:40, October 23, 2009 (UTC)

Dawwww, Agatha started to tear up a bit there. What's she gonna do with her boys, eh? I wondered about Tarvek also thinking Agatha was "dead", then I remembered that he thought the Other had taken her over completely at first, then again before the musical dingbots brought her back, then finally at the end when she reverted back after the music stopped and shot him, he had no way of knowing Agatha had gotten herself back again with the locket. So Agatha has "died" about three times on him - not including probably wondering if she'd been killed in the chaos of the battle of Sturmhalten. --Zerogee 04:57, October 23, 2009 (UTC)

I'm starting to wonder about the personality here - I'm guessing that whatever they did to make them 'healthier' in the short term also linked them more closely - Is one personality more dominate than the other? Because they are sounding a lot more like Gil than Tarvek right now. Weerea 16:13, October 23, 2009 (UTC)

The whole finishing each others sentences thing is a bit worrying. I wonder if there will be any permanent side effects. --Werewolfboy 23:24, October 23, 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, our boys seem a little *too* in sync right now. --Zerogee 06:51, October 24, 2009 (UTC)