Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Forums: Index > Page-by-Page > 2009-08-24 (Monday)

Discussion for comic for 2009-08-24 (Monday) .

Top web comic? Please Vote for Girl Genius. Help Zeetha find her rightful place.

I think this has to be my absolute favorite page yet. It does answer the question about the lineage, and evidently Tarvek has gone through the crowning ceremony? So he's officially King? I LOVE Gil's reaction to being told that Agatha was Tarvek's future bride.... and then the last panel--classic! -- Axi 03:03, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

When would he have had time? --Rej¿¤¤? 05:43, 24 August 2009 (UTC)
Why think that he needed to go through a coronation? He's claimed that he is the Storm King in the past . --Cantabrian 07:45, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

Zola, bound in a corner, must be steaming. Argadi 09:56, 24 August 2009 (UTC)
