Girl Genius
Girl Genius

Appearances subpage for Deepdweller.

This page is a list of appearances of a Girl Genius character or other entity. It was (semi-)automatically generated from the Chronology pages; do not edit. Instead, make sure the Chronology records have the relevant data (links) and request an update from Zarchne.

The list below mainly catalogs links, but if this is a character, it also searches all the text (after the links are removed) for the name or its redirects. This can cause false positives. These matches to non-link text are marked with T.

In the data below, after a prefix showing if flashback, etc. was noted, then if the match is not in the character field (after footnotes removed), the first field that matched is noted, or finally if it is in the footnotes (of any of the fields). This is followed by the contents of the character field (with footnotes stripped out).

These are matches for links (including redirects) to the parent page.

Volume 2-7

Anybody Else Not Dead?

Thwack Thwack Thwack

The Noble Codfish

Tarvek's Imaginary Friend

Into The Mermaid Suit

Like A Grunion

Everything Interesting Uses Machinery

Volume 2-8

---First Page of VOLUME 21 (Act 2: BOOK EIGHT)

The Royal Princesses

The Ball Begins

Working Breakfast

New Shoes

Martellus At Work

Tracking Prende's Lantern

Volume 2-9

Into The Depths

The Fish Appear To Be Biting

Bang Would Rather Be Killing Guys

Oh, come On, it Said Do Not Open

A Priceless Archeological Site

The Source of the "Cursed Waters"

It's Not Doing Anything

Volume 2-10

She Blinked

Nice Island. Pity If Something Happened To It

Winding Up The Sparks

Where Are All These Monsters Coming From?

Taking Fire From the Hostiles

Permission to Board


A Private Chat About Old Flames

Neena Stows Away

This page generated from Chronology data downloaded 2024-04-17 22:09+00:00.
