Girl Genius
Girl Genius

The chronology pages describe the comics to assist scholars in finding the page on which something occurred. For each page of the comic, the chronology pages identify the characters that appear, actions taken, significant quotes, and other things of interest. Page numbers from the website are zero padded to three digits and in parentheses, for example: (005), (061), (113). Page numbers from print volumes are neither, for example: 5, 61, 113. Section titles are from the canon unless otherwise noted.

For historical reasons, volumes 1 (I) through 13 (XIII) are usually identified with Roman numerals on the Girl Genius chronology pages and elsewhere in the wiki. From volume 14 on, the story entered a new "act" and the volume numbers started over, in Arabic numbers, proceeded by a "2-". For example, overall volume 15 is given as volume 2-2 on chronology pages.

For a partial timeline of the events in the comic, see Internal Chronology.

For more information on the double-page spreads in this volume, see double-page spreads in Girl Genius.

For more information on special pages in this volume, see the list of special pages, notes, and annotations.

Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

One or more of the following symbols may be attached to a name to indicate the type of appearance. For more explanation, see Chronology Sigils Key.

     (!) Sparking             (!!) God-sparking            (*) Heterodyning
      <  Flashback             >   Flashforward             =  Flash-concurrent
      ~  Imagined              \   Hidden                   ?  Uncertain
      %  Recorded image        @   Transmitted image        #  Controlled body

For more information about the page records and guidelines for adding new ones, see Girl Genius:Editing the Chronology.

Volume Nine Web Cover & Wallpaper

Location: Abstract location inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-01-14 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. Cover
Forum:2009-01-14 (Wednesday)
Gilgamesh (Gil) Wulfenbach, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Agatha Heterodyne
Gil and Tarvek hold weapons (lightning staff and death ray) ready to fire while Agatha makes an electrical connection.
Volume 9 Special Wallpaper

First Page of Volume NINE

Location: The Great Hospital in Mechanicsburg.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-01-16 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (001)
Forum:2009-01-16 (Friday)
Captain, Sergeant Scorp, Mechanicsburg residents
The captain and Sergeant discuss the Mechanicsburg residents celebrating "the girl" entering the castle and the fleet being chased off. The Baron reported to be low on troops so he sent fifty hogsheads of double-fortified Lingonberry Snap to get the townsfolk drunk.
"Ah. I'd also wondered why they were playing the music backwards."
the girl (Zola "Heterodyne"), Baron (Baron Klaus Wulfenbach). "Lady Heterodyne" (Zola "Heterodyne") Mechanicsburg: The ancestral home of the Heterodyne family. Eat the gingerbread Trilobites, dance with the Jägerfrauen at Mamma Gkika's, buy an amusing souvenir clock for the folks back home, and keep your hand on your wallet.

Mole Machine

Location: The grounds of the Great Hospital.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-01-19 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (002)
Forum:2009-01-19 (Monday)
Captain, Sergeant Scorp
They discuss what Zola might do, then the ground shakes and a machine pops up out of the ground.
new girl (Zola "Heterodyne") RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUMBLE! WHREEE!

2009-01-21 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (003)
Forum:2009-01-21 (Wednesday)
Major Resetti, Lieutenant "Scopes" Krishnamurti, Captain, Sergeant Scorp, Grantz
Major Resetti and Lieutenant "Scopes" Krishamurti of the First Subterranean Mecha Mole Brigade step out of their craft, Dante's Gadabout, followed by Grantz carrying something ordered by the Baron in an Imobilex Jug.
"All it takes is an accurate 3D sonar compass, sir." "Good thing you built us one, eh?" / "That's a Deep 6 model, sir. Collapses the tunnel after itself."
The Baron "CLUNK! GSSSH K-BOONCH!" / "Dante's Gadabout" / "Do Not Open"

2009-01-23 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (004)
Forum:2009-01-23 (Friday)
Captain, Lieutenant "Scopes" Krishnamurti, Sergeant Scorp, Major Resetti, Grantz
Grantz is introduced, and asks Sergeant Scorp to carry her bag while she carries the Imobilex Jug.
"She's the Baron's Monster Hunter." / "Had the privilege of watching you work in Belgrade last year."
Baron Dante's Gadabout

Delivery for the Baron

Location: The Great Hospital.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-01-26 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (005)
Forum:2009-01-26 (Monday)
Sergeant Scorp, Grantz, Sergeant Nak, Wulfenbach troops, battle clanks, Bangladesh DuPree
Sergeant Scorp and Grantz enter the hospital and approach the Baron's room.
Signs: "X Rays" "Purple Ray" "Death RayClosed"

2009-01-28 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (006)
Forum:2009-01-28 (Wednesday)
Grantz, Bangladesh DuPree, Baron Klaus Wulfenbach, Othar Tryggvassen, medics
Grantz and Bang meet with Klaus (in a hospital room, but still in the Medical Trainer clank). The newcomer is at first horrified by the Baron's injuries, before she reveals that her quarry in in fact none other than Othar Tryggvassen.
"Hey Klaus! Grantz is here— With a big jar full of trouble!"
Klaus, Grantz, Herr Baron, Doctor Sun Medical // Do not open

2009-01-30 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (007)
Forum:2009-01-30 (Friday)
Othar, Klaus, medics, Grantz, Bang
Othar monologues. Klaus says he should kill Othar, but then offers him a job.
"But, in fact, I have a job for you" "Why do I think I'd prefer to be killed?" "Good heavens. It's possible that you really are smart."
"Medical Trainer"

2009-02-02 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (008)
Forum:2009-02-02 (Monday)
Othar, Klaus, ~Baron Oublenmach, ~Duke Strinbeck, ~Agatha Heterodyne, ~Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Bang
Klaus monologues about plots and against Agatha. Othar wonders what he is missing. Bang wonders why Klaus is talking.
"He's talking like this is a bad thing." "Whenever he goes on like this, I just think of how many different ways I can spell 'eviscerate.'"
"two Heterodyne girls", "my son"

2009-02-04 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (009)
Forum:2009-02-04 (Wednesday)
Klaus, Othar, Sergeant Scorp, <Agatha/Lucrezia, <Tarvek Sturmvoraus
Klaus says Agatha is The Other, which Othar can't believe. Sergeant Scorp interrupts to describe his experiences with Agatha/Lucrezia.
"Assuming this is true— what do you want from me?"
The Other/Agatha

Agatha in the Castle

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-02-06 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (010)
Forum:2009-02-06 (Friday)
Moloch von Zinzer, Agatha Heterodyne, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Violetta, Mimmoth
Moloch and Tarvek argue for joining with Gil, but Agatha is still mad at him. Tarvek says that working with him would increase their changes of survival because the "governing intelligence" of the castle is "fractured".
"You can always kill us both later, if you must."
Wulfenbach (Gilgamesh Wulfenbach), "Inside Castle Heterodyne—"

2009-02-09 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (011)
Forum:2009-02-09 (Monday)
Clank of the Castle (voice), Agatha, Tarvek, Moloch, Violetta
Tarvek monologues about the benefits of joining with Gil. Agatha refuses.
"I don't want anyone dying on my behalf. Not even you!" "Why, that's the nicest thing you've said to me since Sturmhalten." "Treasure it, and get out!"
Baron, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach

2009-02-11 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (012)
Forum:2009-02-11 (Wednesday)
Tarvek, Agatha, Violetta, <nurse, <guard, <Tarvek
Agatha says she doesn't trust Tarvek or Gil. The effect of the half bottle of Moveit #6 given to Tarvek by Violetta wears off, and Tarvek starts to hallucinate because of his injuries.
"Have Gaston bring the coach about, won't you? I think the eels are rising." / "Imagine that everything is made from pigs!" / "We must stop the moon from eating the mushrooms!" / "Idiot" "Thank you!" / "The loons! I hear the loons!"
Wulfenbach (Gil), "your evil twin" (Agatha/Lucrezia), Baron

2009-02-13 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (013)
Forum:2009-02-13 (Friday)
Violetta, Tarvek, Clank of the Castle (voice), Moloch
Agatha asks the castle for a medical lab and is directed to the nearby Red Playroom, a favorite of Iago Heterodyne. Iago loved the sound of screaming, so the room contains a Scream Emulator. Tarvek continues babbling.
"From his babbling, I think he's already gonna be in trouble." / "Ack! Pigeons!" "Why, yes! I'd love a madeline!" "I think we should honeymoon in Venice, don't you? It's so lovely, this time of year."
Baron, the Council, Heterodyne Girl (Zola), Iago Heterodyne "Scream Emulator" "Sad · Agony · Guilty" "Ow · Ow" "Mad · Ecstasy · Innocent" "Loud · Louder" "Hope · Hope Less" "Blood Curdler" "Low←→High" / On skull: "71" (At this point Venice had sunk .)

2009-02-16 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (014)
Forum:2009-02-16 (Monday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Violetta, Moloch, <TPU students, <Agatha, <Trainee, <teacher
Agatha has patched up Tarvek, but he isn't healthy. Agatha talks about her training. Moloch cooks something to eat over a Bunsen burner. Agatha decides to get Gil for more help healing Tarvek.
"This wound is draining green—That can't be good!" "I dunno." "And he smells terrible!" "That's pretty normal."

Gil in the Castle

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-02-18 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (015)
Forum:2009-02-18 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, Daughter of Chump, The Unstoppable Higgs, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Sleipnir O'Hara, Theopholous DuMedd, Zola "Heterodyne", Zola's Minions, Hristo Tiktoffen
Zola berates Gil for not shaping up, as she told him in Paris, and ending up in Castle Heterodyne. She then says she can help him since she is the Lady Heterodyne. Gil is holding his lightning staff connected to the Heterodyne device, with both glowing.
"Surprised?" "Er…More than you can possibly imagine."
"Elsewhere, in Castle Heterodyne—"

2009-02-20 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (016)
Forum:2009-02-20 (Friday)
Zola, Gil, Zeetha, Theo, Sleipnir, Higgs, Krosp I, Zola's Minions
Zola talks about her secret, then gets suspicious at the appearance of Gil's companions. Gil responds by saying he had a secret in Paris as well.
"Is that a cat?" "Um—He's a really bad cat." / "I'm a pirate." "I knew it!"

2009-02-23 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (017)
Forum:2009-02-23 (Monday)
Zola, Gil, Zeetha
Zola explains how Gil being a pirate is obvious. Zeetha is interested in the "pirate girl" mentioned by Zola. Gil down-plays the dangers of the castle, while Zola is annoyed at Gil's recklessness while she has a plan. Gil asks about the plan.
"This is just like that abandoned toy shop off Place Maubert! You just waltz into these things!"
"that crazy pirate girl"

Zola's Evil Plan (Muhahaha)

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne, near the Gate of Lamps.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-02-25 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (018)
Forum:2009-02-25 (Wednesday)
Zola, Gil, Zola's Minions, Krosp, Hristo Tiktoffen, Higgs, Zeetha, Sleipnir, Theo
Zeetha and Sleipnir talk about Higgs ditching Gil's Magnificent Hat, Zeetha is smitten with Higgs. Gil defends the Baron's empire building to Zola, who gets annoyed.
"The Baron demands taxes and deals harshly with peacebreakers, yes, but he's kept The Long War at bay for years." / "Hmf. I'd forgotten how conversations with you never go like they should." "Oh, yes. Those annoying inconvenient 'facts.' " "Well, here's a fact you can stick in your ear: The Baron's empire is going down!"
Baron Wulfenbach, the Polar Ice Lords, Gilded Duke, Queen Albia of England

2009-02-27 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (019)
Forum:2009-02-27 (Friday)
Gil, Zola, Zeetha
Zola tries to convince Gil her plan has a chance because she is a Heterodyne and allied with a direct descendant of Andronicus Valois.
Storm King, Andronicus Valois, Fifty Families, Baron

2009-03-02 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (020)
Forum:2009-03-02 (Monday)
Gil, Zola, <Wulfenbach clank, Zola's Minions, Krosp, Hristo Tiktoffen
Zola explains how the Baron's son is an unknown with bad rumors going around about him. Gil recaps Zola's plan, and Zola describe how the plan will be executed slowly to avoid problems.
"The old prophecy is fulfilled, free beer and cheese for all." / "An no-one has to die." "Except, of course, young Wulfenbach." "Well, duh. We're not stupid."
Baron, Baron's son, Dr. Beetle, Storm King

2009-03-04 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (021)
Forum:2009-03-04 (Wednesday)
Gil, Zola, Zola's Minions, Hristo Tiktoffen, Higgs, Zeetha, Sleipnir, Theo, voice of castle entity, skeleton of sign changer,
Tiktoffen tries to warn of danger, but too late. The door slams shut and the castle entity demands repairs. The area is badly damaged and no one has been able to repair it so the area has been avoided. Higgs explains "press ganged" to Zeetha. Apparently the castle shifted walls to catch the group. Gil is excited by the machinery, some of which looks like the three lights hardware.
"Weeelcooome. Repairs… Nooow…" / "Aah! We've been press ganged! We're doomed! We're all going to die!"
No hideous death in 2 days.

Agatha Oversleeps

Location: In the Red Playroom in Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-03-06 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (022)
Forum:2009-03-06 (Friday)
Agatha, Moloch
Moloch wakes Agatha up carefully. Agatha had built a death ray and went to sleep, using the death ray when Moloch first tried to wake her up, blowing a hole in the wall, a castle turret, and a distant mountain.
"then you built a death ray. Then, you conked out on the table. Then, every time I tried to wake you up, you pointed that thing at me!"
Hours later—

2009-03-09 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (023)
Forum:2009-03-09 (Monday)
Agatha, Moloch, Violetta, Tarvek
Moloch explain there's no gangrene, but Tarvek's state is nonetheless worrying. Tarvek briefly wakes up to spout some nonsense.
"You'll be the envy of Paris! heeheehee!"
Wulfenbach (Gil)

Agatha Hides her Embarrassment Poorly

Location: In the Red Playroom in Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-03-11 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (024)
Forum:2009-03-11 (Wednesday)
Violetta, Agatha, Moloch
Violetta and Moloch argue over whether Tarvek or Gil would win Agatha's affections as Agatha gets madder and madder. Agatha finally explodes and tells them she has more important things to worry about, she will have a party later.
"This party— Can I have a pretty dress too?" "…Well, of course. …Assuming you're still alive."
Wocketa Wocketa Wocketa

Gil Working on Repairs

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-03-13 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (025)
Forum:2009-03-13 (Friday)
Agatha, voice of castle entity, Hristo Tiktoffen, Gil
Agatha asks the castle about Gil's condition, and the castle starts talking about yurts and Mongols. Agatha asks about the castle's behavior and it can't explain. Then we see Gil actively repairing the castle.
"My greatest dream is to be remade as a yurt!"

2009-03-16 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (026)
Forum:2009-03-16 (Monday)
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Hristo Tiktoffen, Dingbot (Prime?)
Gil pulls out a Dingbot to help with repairs. The Dingbot tries to run off but it held by a chain. Gil explains that the Dingbot needs to help Gil to help Agatha.
"Dash!" "Yoink!"
your mistress (Agatha)

2009-03-18 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (027)
Forum:2009-03-18 (Wednesday)
Gil, Dingbot, Zeetha, Theo, Sleipnir, Zola, Minion
Gil and Zeetha talk. Gil can stay awake because of "mental exercises" taught by his father, Zeetha because of ancient Skifandrian warrior discipline. Gil wonders how his father learned, but Zeetha changes the subject and asks about Pinky.
"Hardly ever taught to outsiders."
Dingbot creator (Agatha), Tiktoffen, father (Klaus Wulfenbach), Don Casanovas

How Gil Knows Zola

Location: Locked in a room in Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-03-20 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (028)
Forum:2009-03-20 (Friday)
Gil, Zeetha, Tiktoffen, <Zola, <Spark, <chess piece clank, <snails, <Maniac of the Opera, <inkeeper
Gil describes how he met, and frequently rescued, Zola in Paris.
"a scheme to raise giant squids in the sewers." / "Comte de Terracciano's 'Ultimate Endgame' chess set, the unsettlingly large, acidic snails of Professor Yungbluth"
Comte de Terracciano (Shoutout), Professor Yungbluth (Shoutout), Maniac of the Opera

2009-03-23 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (029)
Forum:2009-03-23 (Monday)
<Gil, <Zola, Gil, Zeetha, Dingbot Prime, Zola
Gil and Zeetha talk about Zola. Gil thinks the people controlling her are likely to kill her because the plan "is a shambles". The Dingbot agrees to fix the panel.
my father (Baron), Agatha

Let's Split Up!

Location: Locked in a room in Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-03-25 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (030)
Forum:2009-03-25 (Wednesday)
Dingbot Prime, Gil, Zeetha
Dingbot moves debris, allowing Gil to see a sheared cable. Gil asks Zeetha to wake up Theo, Sleipnir, Krosp and Higgs so they can leave, and asks Dingbot to open the door for them. Gil then releases the chain on Dingbot.
Theo, Sleipnir, Krosp, Higgs, Agatha

2009-03-27 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (031)
Forum:2009-03-27 (Friday)
Dingbot Prime, Gil, Zeetha, Krosp
The Dingbot again punches Gil, then runs off. Gil tells Zeetha he suspects Zola has a weapon that could disable the castle. He then eloquently expresses his affection for Agatha. Krosp reports that the door is opening.
"That sounds moronic. Try again."
Zola, the castle, Agatha

2009-03-30 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (032)
Forum:2009-03-30 (Monday)
Krosp, Theo, Sleipnir, Zeetha, Higgs, Gil, Zola, Zola's minion
Higgs offers to stay with Gil. Zeetha uses a wrench to borrow an outfit from Goon #3, and manages to embarrass Gil (but not Theo) with her goosebumps. After his "crew" leaves, Gil works on equipment, then Zola and one of her minions are shocked by a loud noise.
"I can get anybody's clothes off fast."
Goon #3 "Soon—" / "Crackle!"

The Castle Finds Gil

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-04-01 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (033)
Forum:2009-04-01 (Wednesday)
Voice of castle entity, Agatha, Dingbot Prime, Dingbot under construction
The castle and Agatha talk. There is a picture on the wall that appears to be Jägermonsters. Agatha is planning to get Gil. More Dingbots are being constructed, probably from crucial parts of the castle.
"Excellent. I shall re-open the old harem quarters." / "You have no idea." / "…beyond the Serpent's Gallery… there is a fragment of my personality already occupying the area. …it may be quite insane."
"your young man" (Gil), castle personality fragment "Do not remove" / "Aethe…(Aetheric? Aethernet?) Junction"

2009-04-03 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (034)
Forum:2009-04-03 (Friday)
Goon #3, Gil, Zola, Tiktoffen
Goon #3 want to kill Gil, but Zola doesn't and Tiktoffen supports Gil. It appears that Tiktoffen knows at least some of Gil's secrets. The group plans to leave though the now-opened door.
"It's the least I could do— Sir."
your crew, Zeetha

More of Zola's Evil Plan

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-04-06 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (035)
Forum:2009-04-06 (Monday)
Zola, Gil, Goon #3, another minion, Tiktoffen
Gil asks Zola about her plans. Tiktoffen suggests a party, and Zola talks endlessly about the party she will have. Tiktoffen says "we're safe", and Zola explains that the castle could overhear earlier.
"The castle. We're in a dead zone now. Before it could hear everything we said." "I want the castle to underestimate me. Surely you didn't as well?"
An eternity later—

2009-04-08 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (036)
Forum:2009-04-08 (Wednesday)
Zola, Gil, Tiktoffen, Zola's Minions, The Winslow on the wall
Zola describe what the Knights of Jove, with the Mongfish family, have been scheming.
The Royal Lineage: "A long line of sots, imbeciles and—god forbid—females, right?" "At well as at least one reported werewolf."
The Loyal Order of the Knights of Jove, The Storm King, The Knights of the Round Table, The Mongfish family Wall portraits, including Lucrezia Mongfish.

2009-04-10 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (037)
Forum:2009-04-10 (Friday)
Zola, Gil, Zola's Minion, Tiktoffen
Zola explains trying to take over the castle, the "twelve minds" theory, and her plans to kill it. Tiktoffen doesn't like the plan.

2009-04-13 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (038)
Forum:2009-04-13 (Monday)
Gil, Zola, Fräulein Snaug, Professor Diaz, prisoner ("Cucaracha"), Spider-Minion
Zola shows Gil a mechanism being developed by Professor Diaz to kill the castle. Work has been slowed by theft by "Cucaracha". Zola shoots him in a knee and threatens him to learn the location of the parts.
Professor Diaz is a shoutout to Dresden Codak.

Agatha Gets Wound Up

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-04-15 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (039)
Forum:2009-04-15 (Wednesday)
Voice of castle entity, Agatha Heterodyne, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Zola "Heterodyne"
The castle can now hear more areas, including the area where Gil and Zola are working. Gil and Zola argue over Zola's bloodthirsty approach, but the castle's report to Agatha makes it sound like they are flirting, which annoys Agatha.

2009-04-17 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (040)
Forum:2009-04-17 (Friday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Giant clank with axe, Voice of castle entity
Agatha monologues about suitors and goals, while the castle begs her to turn down her death ray (more than she has already). The castle tells Agatha that Zola is showing Gil the device to be used to shut down the castle.
Gil, Sugarplum Airship Princess (Zola "Heterodyne"), Tarvek (Sturmvoraus)

2009-04-20 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (041)
Forum:2009-04-20 (Monday)
Voice of castle entity, Agatha Heterodyne, disabled Fun-Sized Mobile Agony and Death Dispenser, Dingbot
The castle warns Agatha she is leaving its area of control. Agatha finds a Devil Dog attacked by some other castle entity and winds up a Dingbot to work on the wreck. The castle doesn't like the Dingbot.
"I don't like it." "Oh, for goodness sake. It's just one little clank.'"

Agatha Finds Gil

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-04-22 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (042)
Forum:2009-04-22 (Wednesday)
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Professor Diaz, Zola "Heterodyne", Agatha Heterodyne
Gil modifies the doomsday device so most of the missing parts aren't needed. Zola invites him to sit and eat, and says she's worried because she usually needs to be rescued when Gil shows up. Agatha shows up.
"Oh, something's certainly gone wrong. But whether or not you're going to need rescuing? That's up to you."
"Eventually—" / "Yenny" (Beverage and Shoutout)

2009-04-24 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (043)
Forum:2009-04-24 (Friday)
Zola "Heterodyne", Dingbot reanimated Fun-Sized Mobile Agony and Death Dispenser, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Zola pulls her gun to shoot Agatha, but a Devil Dog (with Dingbots on top and a Dingbot in an eye) crashes into the room and steps on her. Zola decides that no one should be killed.

2009-04-27 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (044)
Forum:2009-04-27 (Monday)
Minion, Agatha, Hristo Tiktoffen, Spider-Minion, Fräulein Snaug, Professor Diaz, Mittelmind
One of Zola's Minions takes aim at Agatha, who uses her death ray on the ceiling to knock debris on him. He asks for help, and Tiktoffen knocks his head in. The prisoners bow to Agatha.
"At your service, Lady Heterodyne."

2009-04-29 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (045)
Forum:2009-04-29 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Zola, Dingbot reanimated Fun-Sized Mobile Agony and Death Dispenser, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Agatha reads the riot act to Zola, primps, and turns to address Gil. Zola tries to defend Gil.
"I am Agatha Heterodyne. You are in my town. In my castle. And in my way"

2009-05-01 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (046)
Forum:2009-05-01 (Friday)
Agatha, Zola, Dingbot reanimated Fun-Sized Mobile Agony and Death Dispenser, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Professor Diaz
Agatha explains to Zola who Gil is and what he did. Zola breaks down, Gil is annoyed, and Professor Diaz approves.
"Delightfully done, my lady. Your enemy is thoroughly crushed. You are a True Heterodyne."
Knights of Jove

2009-05-04 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (047)
Forum:2009-05-04 (Monday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Agatha monologues about her situation.
"…and I'm the evil Madgirl with the death ray and freakish ancestors— and the town full of minions— and the horde of Jägers— and the homicidal castle full of sycophantic evil geniuses and fun-sized hunter-killer monster clanks and goodness knows what else— … And you know what? I can work with that!"
Princess Psycho (Zola)

Mad Social Science

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-05-06 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (048)
Forum:2009-05-06 (Wednesday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Prisoner "Mittelmind", Fräulein Snaug, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Mittelmind analyzes the social situation Agatha is in. Fräulein Snaug explains that the prisoners want the castle fixed to be released (and Gil agrees).
"You don't meet many mad social scientists." / "Cross me and die."
Baron Clock: "TIME FOR EVIL BWA HA" / "Mechanicsburg: A map of streets, lanes, alleys or culs de sac for the Discriminating To...(Tourist?)"

2009-05-08 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (049)
Forum:2009-05-08 (Friday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Fräulein Snaug, Zola "Heterodyne", Fun-Sized Mobile Agony and Death Dispenser, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Agatha releases Zola and Gil, then explains she needs Gil's help now, but they will talk later. Gil gets in her face and agrees that a talk is needed.
Someone (Tarvek Sturmvoraus)

Smoochus Interruptus

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-05-11 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (050)
Forum:2009-05-11 (Monday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Silas Merlot
Gil and Agatha almost kiss, but Merlot enters on a Heterodyne walking clank and starts shooting.

2009-05-13 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (051)
Forum:2009-05-13 (Wednesday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Silas Merlot, Professor Diaz, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Agatha orders people to scatter, and Merlot goes after Agatha. Using the skills taught by Zeetha, Agatha avoids being shot. Gil jumps Merlot, who shoots Gil with a handgun.

2009-05-15 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (052)
Forum:2009-05-15 (Friday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Silas Merlot, Fun-Sized Mobile Agony and Death Dispenser, Professor Diaz, Fräulein Snaug
Silas monologues. Fräulein Snaug finds Gil's lightning stick, and zaps herself (but survives ).
"What is his grudge against you?" "I'm not sure! He was just one of my teachers at the university!" "Ah, say no more. I, too, have had students."
Gil, Cold-hearted Despot (Baron)

2009-05-18 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (053)
Forum:2009-05-18 (Monday)
Silas Merlot, <Baron Klaus Wulfenbach, <Silas Merlot, <three cryptographers, <Tarsus Beetle, <Agatha Heterodyne, <Beetleburgers
Merlot describes how the Baron had cryptographers decipher Beetle's notes, and how Merlot had gone postal when they succeeded.
"So I burned it all. Beetle's notes, everyone of his secret labs I could find, the entire hall of records— and all the cryptographers— and I still wound up in here!"

2009-05-20 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (054)
Forum:2009-05-20 (Wednesday)
Silas Merlot, Professor Diaz, Agatha Heterodyne
Merlot sees Agatha racing for her Death ray, shoots to stop her, then towers over her in his clank.
"Madre de Diodes, protect us—"

2009-05-22 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (055)
Forum:2009-05-22 (Friday)
Silas Merlot, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Agatha Heterodyne
An annoyed Gil topples/throws Merlot and his clank.
"You shot me! And it hurts! Oh, oh dear. …and that hurt, too."

2009-05-25 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (056)
Forum:2009-05-25 (Monday)
Silas Merlot, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Agatha Heterodyne
Merlot gets his clank on it's feet, Agatha grabs and points her death ray.
"NO! I'll not be cheated again!" "You nasty, warped little buffoon! … You deserve everything you got!"

2009-05-27 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (057)
Forum:2009-05-27 (Wednesday)
Silas Merlot, Agatha Heterodyne, voice of Castle Heterodyne entity, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Agatha continues telling Merlot off and threatens to put a "hole the size of the castle" in him. The Castle doesn't like that idea and smashes Merlot.

2009-05-29 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (058)
Forum:2009-05-29 (Friday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Hristo Tiktoffen, voice of Castle Heterodyne entity, <Theo, <Zeetha, <Krosp, <Sleipnir O'Hara, Zola, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
The Castle explains it had the benefit of a surprise repair (the rest of Gil's party, with Krosp's Jacob's Ladder whiskers); Agatha turns around to find Zola competently doctoring a rather shell shocked Gil.

Radio Theater Break: Revenge of the Weasel Queen pt.3

Location: Somewhere in outer space, then the wilderness.

You knew it was coming. You feared it was coming. And here it is! Girl Genius Radio Theatre and the faculty of Transylvania Polygnostic University have once again come together to broadcast their idea of an exciting adventure in the life of Agatha Heterodyne. We hope we all live through the experience.

Please enjoy: REVENGE OF THE WEASEL QUEEN, Part Three! (The final chapter. Finally.) If you need a refresher, Part One can be found here and Part Two can be found here .

Names Used Text Extras

2009-06-01 (Monday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (033)
Forum:2009-06-01 (Monday)
Kaja Foglio, a Lone Science Drone, the Venerable Hive Fish (the goldfish?)
Yarth (in elaborate font) / Nutritional Facts (per pound) Cholesterol 271mg Calories 717 Fat 37g Protien 90g / YumYumGimmeS[ome], Fried Yarthli[ng] in Space Butter!

2009-06-03 (Wednesday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (034)
Forum:2009-06-03 (Wednesday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Zeetha, Krosp I, Ferretina, Fashion Clank, Zoggletonk residents (by day any by night), Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer
Introduction of the characters, all with Rubik's Cubes.
"And if Ferretina's prisoner, Othar Tryggvassen—" "Gentleman Adventurer!" "happens to be rescued…well… they'll just have to live with it." "But I won't like it."

2009-06-05 (Friday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (035)
Forum:2009-06-05 (Friday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Fashion Clank, Krosp I, Zeetha
The Lapinemoth costumes are revealed and the Fashion Clank moans about the complaints.

2009-06-08 (Monday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (036)
Forum:2009-06-08 (Monday)
Fashion Clank, Agatha Heterodyne, Krosp I, Zeetha
Agatha complains that Krosp is too small in his costume. The Fashion Clank shows a diagram of a rabbit clank, then activates the power skeleton in Krosp's suit.
Un Lapin Géant Déguisement (A Giant Rabbit Disguise), Dents (teeth), Épaule (shoulder), Mamelon (nipple), Joint (joint), Griffes (claws), Genou (knee), Frappent Du Pied la Chose (kicking foot), Chat (cat), Queue Pelucheuse (Non Montrée) (fluffy tail (not shown)), Peu Vilain (naughty bits), Cravate d'Arc (arc load tie), Forrure (misspelled - fourrure = fur), Oreille (ear) / Modèles Idiots De Costume De Lapin (Stupid Rabbit Suit Models)

2009-06-10 (Wednesday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (037)
Forum:2009-06-10 (Wednesday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Zeetha, Fashion Clank, Krosp I
Krosp's suit expands to a giant clank with a clock in the tummy (mentioned earlier ).
"I am done talking to you people." "And yet, I still know the correct time!"

2009-06-12 (Friday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (038)
Forum:2009-06-12 (Friday)
Krosp I, Agatha Heterodyne, Zeetha, Fashion Clank, ~Ferretina, ~Lapinemoth
Krosp struggles to walk in the rabbit suit. Agatha proposes that the Lapinemoth are scared of Ferretina, and Ferretina can be weakened by convincing them not to be afraid.
"… and the town is safe." "Until a horde of giant rabbits devours their crops." "Hey, one problem at a time. If we solved everything at once, we'd be out of work."

2009-06-15 (Monday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (039)
Forum:2009-06-15 (Monday)
Zeetha, Agatha Heterodyne, Krosp I
Agatha's plan is to change Ferretina's scent. Krosp says that won't work until Agatha mentions garlic.

2009-06-17 (Wednesday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (040)
Forum:2009-06-17 (Wednesday)
Ferretina, Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer
Ferretina is surprised to find Othar still alive, so she reaches to turn on her lightning generators.
"Thus, a short while later, in Ferretina's hidden lair…" / "PIT OF DOOOOM (Pat Pend) / Now with more doom!" / "Explosives / Danger" / "Corrosive" / "Zappy Fun Box MK1"

2009-06-19 (Friday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (041)
Forum:2009-06-19 (Friday)
Ferretina, Othar Tryggvassen, Uncle Yasik, children, Zeetha, Agatha Heterodyne, Krosp I
Ferretina doesn't turn on the lightning generators because of the Pierogi gift. Agatha shows up and starts monologuing, not listening to Ferretina say her scent is not how she keeps control.
"Why, you're not Flopsy, Mopsy, and Nietzsche!"
"Hey Kids! It's *Uncle* Yasik's Pierogi! / Cheese • Chicken • Onion • Cabbage • Pork • Fish • Eel • Beef • Mimmoth • Garlic • ~~ath • Dog • ~hat~~r" / "Lair"

2009-06-22 (Monday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (042)
Forum:2009-06-22 (Monday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Krosp I, Lapinemoths, Zeetha, Othar, Ferretina
Agatha finishes monologuing and realizes Ferretina said "no". Ferretina says free health insurance is the reason the Lapinemoths obey her. Krosp offers to switch sides, but the offer is rejected because of hairballs. Ferretina orders the Lapinemoths to attack.
It's spelled "Lapinohemoths" on this page only.

2009-06-24 (Wednesday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (043)
Forum:2009-06-24 (Wednesday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Lapinemoths, Ferretina, Fashion clank
Lapinemoths are sent to attack, Agatha threatens to use the ultimate weapon, but the Fashion Clank interrupts to praise Ferretina's outfit.
"This outfit says everything that I ever dreamed of saying about postmodern deconstructive faux-nouveau absurdist organic neoclassicism, and it does it without irony!"

2009-06-26 (Friday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (044)
Forum:2009-06-26 (Friday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Ferretina, Fashion clank, Lapinemoths, Zeetha
The Fashion Clank and Ferretina find common ground and delightedly run off into the sunset/to Paris together.
"Ashtara's Toerings, girl...!"
Want Ads

2009-06-29 (Monday)
Vol.RotWQ p. (045 (END!))
Forum:2009-06-29 (Monday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Othar Tryggvassen, Phil Foglio, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Lapinemoths, Kaja Foglio, Cheyenne Wright
Othar notices Agatha's Carrot Shooter, so she turns on the Lightning Generators. Phil reads the ending narration for the story. The Lapinemoths pull out knives and head toward Phil, Kaja, and Cheyenne.
"Back Lights" "Stage Door Ex(it)"

Agatha Settles Pinkie's Hash

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-07-01 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (059)
Forum:2009-07-01 (Wednesday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Zola "Heterodyne", Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Agatha calms down, reads Zola the riot act about protecting Gil and behaving. Agatha gets excited again and accidentally chokes Zola.

2009-07-03 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (060)
Forum:2009-07-03 (Friday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Spider-Minion, Clank of the Castle (voice), Professor Diaz
Spider-Minion shows Agatha the castle killer machine called "Fra Pelagatti's Lion". She attacks it to a wrench, to the approval of the castle, who also gives bad news about the search for the missing parts for the machine.
"They were in the cistern?" "Why, yes." "The one filled with the giant electrified squid clanks?" "But those have been deactivated… Oh." "I do feel good today!"
Fra Pelagatti, Master Wulfenbach

I Love Christmas

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-07-06 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (061)
Forum:2009-07-06 (Monday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Clank of the Castle (voice), Mittelmind, Fräulein Snaug, <children with glowing eyes, Spider-Minion, Professor Diaz, Hristo Tiktoffen
Mittelmind offers to get the parts from the cistern for Agatha, and volunteers his assistant, Fräulein Snaug. Everyone is upset, for various reasons, when Mittelmind talks about celebrating Christmas.
"I'm obviously not talking about the control group."

Nanny Attack!

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-07-08 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (062)
Forum:2009-07-08 (Wednesday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Clank of the Castle (voice), Spider-Minion, Professor Diaz, Hristo Tiktoffen, Zola "Heterodyne", Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Von Pinn
Agatha gets everyone settled down and ready to move Gil, and Von Pinn shows up behind Agatha.

2009-07-10 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (063)
Forum:2009-07-10 (Friday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Von Pinn
Von Pinn says she came to keep the Heterodyne safe. Agatha shoots her death ray because of Von Pinn's attack on Adam and Lilith, but Von Pin avoids the ray and picks up Agatha.
"I see I must also teach you manners."
Adam, Lilith

2009-07-13 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (064)
Forum:2009-07-13 (Monday)
Von Pinn, Agatha Heterodyne, Clank of the Castle (voice)
Von Pinn holds Agatha and explains her motivation. Agatha confirms that Von Pinn will die to protect Agatha, then fires her death ray into the floor.
"…my last mistress, may her bones burn green…"
"the constructs" (Punch and Judy), "my beloved king", "my creator", "my last mistress"

2009-07-15 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (065)
Forum:2009-07-15 (Wednesday)
Von Pinn, Agatha Heterodyne, Fräulein Snaug, Hristo Tiktoffen
Von Pinn and Agatha fall into the hole, and Von Pinn throws Agatha out.
"Truly you are your mother's child!"
"your mother" (Lucrezia Mongfish) FLING!

Get Going, Hero Boy

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-07-17 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (066)
Forum:2009-07-17 (Friday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Fräulein Snaug, Hristo Tiktoffen, Clank of the Castle (voice), Zola "Heterodyne", Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
The castle rebukes Agatha. Gil is having delusions, but Agatha motivates him to move (with the side-benefit of annoying Zola).
"Hey, Gil! All of Paris is about to go up in flames, and Zola has her head caught in a bucket! Up and at 'em, Hero Boy!" "A bucket? Again? Okay, I'm comin'." "Yeeeess. I suspected as much."
Von Pinn

2009-07-20 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (067)
Forum:2009-07-20 (Monday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Hristo Tiktoffen, Clank of the Castle (voice), Zola "Heterodyne", Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, suit of armor
The group runs into the Happy Fun Ball of Death. Zola screams, and Gil picks her up and runs.
"Pardonnez-moi, monsieur, mais où est la catastrophe?"("Excuse me, sir, but where's the catastrophe?") / "Huh, I wondered where that went on Tuesdays."
"…xperments" / "Castle Map Version IX Tiktoffen"

2009-07-22 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (068)
Forum:2009-07-22 (Wednesday)
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Zola "Heterodyne", Agatha Heterodyne, Hristo Tiktoffen, Dingbot
Gil runs over the Happy Fun Ball of Death with Zola. Zola assumes Agatha was killed, but is corrected by Agatha. Gil finally realizes he isn't in Paris.
"Are you going to Professor Goodwin's Freestyle Reanimation Demonstration?"
Professor Goodwin

2009-07-24 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (069)
Forum:2009-07-24 (Friday)
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Zola "Heterodyne", Agatha Heterodyne
Gil tries to tell Zola something about Agatha, but Zola doesn't let him finish. Gil and Agatha talk about Agatha's patient.
"He's a sneaky, manipulative fast talking smoothie. You'll like him."
"The Happy Fun Ball of Death will return in 6 days 23 hours 4(x) minutes. ..." / "Keep Out."

An Attempt at Conversation

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne, walking to the Red Playroom.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-07-27 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (070)
Forum:2009-07-27 (Monday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Zola "Heterodyne"
Agatha tries to speak to Gil, but is interrupted by Zola screaming for help (twice). Then Gil tries to speak and is interrupted by Zola, but Agatha goes to her rescue.
"It was so very much my turn."

2009-07-29 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (071)
Forum:2009-07-29 (Wednesday)
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Agatha Heterodyne, Hristo Tiktoffen, Nyar Spider, Zola "Heterodyne"
Gil and Agatha argue about who will take care of a Nyar Spider, while the spider wraps up Zola and takes out a knife and a fork to eat her.
"This is just embarassing everybody."

2009-07-31 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (072)
Forum:2009-07-31 (Friday)
Nyar Spider, Zola "Heterodyne", Agatha Heterodyne, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Violetta, Moloch von Zinzer
Moloch crushes the Nyar Spider, with the goo dripping over Zola's head. Gil talks to Moloch and Violetta, diagnosing the patient from the symptoms.
"Vericus Panteliax's Chromatic Death" "Don't worry, it sounds worse than it is." / "See if you can find a large syringe, some ichor of Somnia, at least one hundred grams of Hesperidial salts, some kind of disinfectant, and a hammer."

2009-08-03 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (073)
Forum:2009-08-03 (Monday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Agatha examines a blushing Gil, and they talk about Othar.
"You were absolutely right, and I felt so bad, and I'm really sorry." "Ah—about what exactly?" "Othar! I was so mad at you , and then, within the hour, I threw him out of an airship, too! "

An Attempt at Romance

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-08-05 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (074)
Forum:2009-08-05 (Wednesday)
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Agatha Heterodyne
Gil and Agatha hug, and Agatha apologizes for faking her death. Gil gets annoyed when Agatha says she wants him to leave the castle, and upset when she mentions taking Tarvek.
"That smug, condescending snake?!" "You know him?"
that crazy girl (Bangladesh DuPree), Tarvek Sturmvoraus

2009-08-07 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (075)
Forum:2009-08-07 (Friday)
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Agatha Heterodyne, Moloch von Zinzer, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Violetta
Tarvek enters, calling Gil by the name "Gilgamesh Holzfäller". He rants at Gil and changes colors until he collapses.
"She is a nice girl— not a part of your harem of nightclub tarts and pirate doxies!"
"Holzfäller" is German and means "lumberjack"

An Attempt at Medicine

Location: The Red Playroom.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-08-10 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (076)
Forum:2009-08-10 (Monday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Violetta, Clank of the Castle (voice), Moloch von Zinzer
Gil changes his diagnosis for Tarvek, and discovers many ingredients are twenty years old and spoiled. Agatha wants Gil to take Tarvek to the hospital.
Vipsania Heterodyne, the Ghostmaker Mice

2009-08-12 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (077)
Forum:2009-08-12 (Wednesday)
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Moloch von Zinzer, Violetta, Agatha Heterodyne, Tarvek Sturmvoraus
Gil proposes saving Tarvek by using "Si Vales Valeo", a procedure that would be risky for Gil as well as Tarvek, and Agatha argues against it. Tarvek keeps raving.
"Most people just know my father as the despotic warlord who rules Europa, but he does have his amusing sparky quirks. Did you know he really loves waffles?" / "I am the prettiest frog in this entire pond!!"

2009-08-14 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (078)
Forum:2009-08-14 (Friday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Tarvek Sturmvoraus
Agatha and Gil argue over how to treat Tarvek, and talk about the machines in the lab including the Human to Pet Brain Transplant Device and the Artful Blood Drainer.
"Look… my family… they weren't very nice people." / "It'd be easier to just killl him and then revive him!" "Ooooooh…"

Phil & Kaja's Hugo Acceptance Speech

Location: A bizarre parallel world.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-08-17 (Monday)
Vol. p. Hugo Acceptance
Forum:2009-08-17 (Monday)
Kaja Foglio, Phil Foglio, Agatha Heterodyne
The professors give an acceptance speech, and Agatha tries to figure out what led them to think they won. They decide the award occurred in a bizarre parallel world.
Cheyenne Wright, Rose Johnson, Savannah Goodwin, Alice Bentley, Liz Lindsay, Carol Monahan, Tora Dzenis, Greg Ketter, Howard Tayler, Fave Howell Phil & Kaja's 2009 Hugo Acceptance Speech for Best Graphic Story of 2008 / (sic) (sic) Professor Cheyenne Wright's Acceptance Speech

The acceptance speech by Kaja and Phil (but not the speech from Cheyenne) is printed at the start of Agatha Heterodyne and the Heirs of the Storm.

Hold Still. This'll be Fun!

Location: The Red Playroom.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-08-19 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (079)
Forum:2009-08-19 (Wednesday)
(!)Agatha Heterodyne, (!)Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Tarvek Sturmvoraus
Agatha and Gil discuss how to kill and fix Tarvek. Tarvek wakes up and Agatha consoles him.
"No, no! It's all going to be all right! We're just going to kill you. and then you'll be fine!"

2009-08-21 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (080)
Forum:2009-08-21 (Friday)
(!)Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Agatha Heterodyne, (!)Tarvek Sturmvoraus
Gil stops Agatha from saying more stupid things to Tarvek, and then proceeds to make stupid and insulting comments to Tarvek until Agatha stops him. Nevertheless, Tarvek is excited about the plan.
"It'll work! I know you can do it! You're so amazing! Let's get started right away!"
Professor Fauve

Violetta Gets a New Job

Location: The Red Playroom.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-08-24 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (081)
Forum:2009-08-24 (Monday)
Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Agatha Heterodyne, Violetta, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Tarvek releases Violetta from her duties. Violetta is glad, but worried his "death" during the operation will remove his authority in "The Order". Tarvek claims to be king and claims Agatha as his future bride, and Gil gets upset.
"Jeez, you sparks get all into your freakish, twisted courtship rituals—"

2009-08-26 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (082)
Forum:2009-08-26 (Wednesday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Moloch von Zinzer, Hristo Tiktoffen, Zola "Heterodyne"
Gil explains some of the succession rules to Moloch, and then puts Professor Tiktoffen and Zola to sleep so they won't see the operation and Tarvek's "death".
"Ginzu" knife

2009-08-28 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (083)
Forum:2009-08-28 (Friday)
Moloch von Zinzer, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Agatha Heterodyne, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Violetta, Dingbots
Gil gets excited to see Agatha surrounded by machines, with Tarvek on the slab and asking him to get on the other slab.
"Get no the slab— I want to get to work!" "Wow!" "…Spooky girl's all yours, Pal."
"After a while—"

2009-08-31 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (084)
Forum:2009-08-31 (Monday)
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Agatha Heterodyne, Clank of the Castle (voice), Tarvek Sturmvoraus
Agatha explains some technical details about what she has set up, and straps Gil in. Gil has some worries. Agatha kisses Gil, who responds poorly.
"Hey! Did you kiss him, too?!" "…aand, so much for wisdom."

Mad Science

Location: The Red Playroom.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-09-02 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (085)
Forum:2009-09-02 (Wednesday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Violetta, Moloch von Zinzer, Tarvek Sturmvoraus
The machinery is turned on. Gil starts counting backward, and Tarvek starts counting in synch.
"No! Are you crazy?! Oh, wait! Of course you are!" / "I'm releasing the lightning!"
"Pump 20", "Electro…"

2009-09-04 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (086)
Forum:2009-09-04 (Friday)
Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Moloch von Zinzer, Clank of the Castle (voice), Agatha Heterodyne
The lightning fizzles. The castle and Agatha are upset.
"Huh. I expected a bit more kaboom."

2009-09-07 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (087)
Forum:2009-09-07 (Monday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Clank of the Castle (voice), Moloch von Zinzer, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Tarvek Sturmvoraus
Agatha yells at the castle, who goes off (mentally) to figure out what happened. Gil is unresponsive, but Tarvek starts talking—apparently clearheaded—and blames Gil for the problem.
"In the meantime, please enjoy this musical selection: Divertimento for String and Garrucha."

Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Boy Detective

Location: The Red Playroom (and flashbacks).

Names Used Text Extras

2009-09-09 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (088)
Forum:2009-09-09 (Wednesday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Violetta, Moloch von Zinzer, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Tarvek realizes he's hooked up to Gil, and that Gil is Gilgamesh Wulfenbach (and gets upset that already knew).

2009-09-11 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (089)
Forum:2009-09-11 (Friday)
Violetta, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Moloch von Zinzer, <young Gil, <young Tarvek
Tarvek calls Gil a conniving, backstabbing, amoral weasel, and starts telling about how Gil got Tarvek kicked off of Castle Wulfenbach. Tarvek talks about how they broke into the vault holding student records.
The Baron

2009-09-14 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (090)
Forum:2009-09-14 (Monday)
Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Moloch von Zinzer, <young Gil, <young Tarvek, <soldiers, <Baron Klaus Wulfenbach
Tarvek continues: The vault records said Gil was an orphan, his family killed by a sausage making clank created by his father. Gil ran away, crying, but Tarvek didn't trust the story.
Book covers: "Sturmvoraus", "Katakas", "Mongfish", "O'Hara", "Oobleck"

2009-09-16 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (091)
Forum:2009-09-16 (Wednesday)
Tarvek Sturmvoraus, <orphan, <Boris Dolokhov, <Baron Klaus Wulfenbach, <noble, <young Tarvek, <Jägermonster, <young Gil, Moloch von Zinzer
Tarvek continues: Tarvek searched for more information, was caught and taken to the Baron. Gil told the Baron how to find evidence that Tarvek was spying.

2009-09-18 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (092)
Forum:2009-09-18 (Friday)
Moloch von Zinzer, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, <guards, <young Tarvek with Mimmoth (stuffed toy?), <Tarvek Sturmvoraus, <Baron Klaus Wulfenbach, <infant Gil, <Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, <Bangladesh DuPree
Tarvek continues: He was sent home, but kept researching and discovered evidence Gil was the son of Petrus Teufel. Later Tarvek went to Paris to study and found Gil there.
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach, Petrus Teufel (head of the Black Mist Raiders, The Other

2009-09-21 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (093)
Forum:2009-09-21 (Monday)
<Tarvek Sturmvoraus, <female (Zola "Heterodyne"?), <Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, <monsters, <Bangladesh DuPree, <merchant, <guards, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Agatha Heterodyne
Tarvek concludes: If Paris he always ran into trouble do to Gil's activities. Agatha shows up with more equipment.
"I'll just have to be less trusting from now on." "Tarvek! I have a great idea. Hold still!"
Paper: "Pirate Captive Plan 'A'"; Sign: "The Hanging Foole" Text above the comic: For so very many reasons, this is my current favorite Girl Genius page... ha! --Kaja

Agatha and Her Guinea Pigs

Location: The Red Playroom and traveling through the castle.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-09-23 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (094)
Forum:2009-09-23 (Wednesday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Moloch von Zinzer, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Agatha zaps Tarvek and Gil to equalize them. Both are weak (and angry at each other), but the operation isn't complete.
"Okay! Now that you're equalized, we've got to hurry!"

2009-09-25 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (095)
Forum:2009-09-25 (Friday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Gil, Violetta
Violetta: "All right, you buffoon—I dug around in the back room and found you some clothes, so get dressed! She may be too busy saving your stupid life to notice, but you're not going to walk around in front of my Lady without pants!"
Hogfarb's immolation

2009-09-28 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (096)
Forum:2009-09-28 (Monday)
Tarvek, Gil, von Zinzer, Agatha, Violetta
Tiktoffen, "Storm King"

Dingbot Fight!

Location: Traveling through the castle.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-09-30 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (097)
Forum:2009-09-30 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Tarvek, von Zinzer
"Vitrium of mustard. Don't worry, it's harmless enough, but don't try sniffing-" "WHAARGH!"
Professor Tiktoffen, Pinkie

2009-10-02 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (098)
Forum:2009-10-02 (Friday)
Dingbot Prime, Agatha, Gil, Tarvek, "Deuce Dingbot"
Crash! / Blink blink / Wak! / (meeting of Primes)
Sturmhalten "When all the w... all that rema[ins]" "Ash & Ember[s]"

2009-10-05 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (099)
Forum:2009-10-05 (Monday)
"Deuce Dingbot", Dingbot Prime, dingbot multitudes, Gil, Agatha, Tarvek
(Skull and cross-screwdrivers)

2009-10-07 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (100)
Forum:2009-10-07 (Wednesday)
"Deuce", Agatha, Prime, Tarvek, Gil
"You're lucky. I got it on my shoes."

2009-10-09 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (101)
Forum:2009-10-09 (Friday)
dingbots, Agatha, Tarvek, Gil, more dingbots, Prime, "Deuce"
"Ooh, what naughty little devices, to so turn upon your creator! Oh!" "She's built a machine with the Spark?!"

2009-10-12 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (102)
Forum:2009-10-12 (Monday)
Tarvek, Gil, Agatha, von Zinzer, Violetta
"So make sure to hide all the booze and women."
(Gil's) father, that girl, the professor

They're Gone?!

Location: Traveling through the castle.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-10-14 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (103)
Forum:2009-10-14 (Wednesday)
Agatha, von Zinzer, Violetta, Tarvek, Gil
"No, that was that idiot from the Island of the—"
Zola la Sirène d'Orée "Me!" "My vacation"

2009-10-16 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (104)
Forum:2009-10-16 (Friday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Gil, von Zinzer, Nyar Spider, Ludmilla, Bisharan Pyramid guard
Zola, Ardsley Wooster, the Red Pyramid of Bishara, Journal of the Société Archéologique de l'Étrange, Thegon Ba'kont, wrestling team "to the egress"

Elevator Madness!

Location: Traveling through the castle.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-10-19 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (105)
Forum:2009-10-19 (Monday)
Mittelmind, Agatha, Fräulein Snaug, von Zinzer, Professor Diaz, Professor Mezzasalma
"There is some psychological damage— but I always wipe her memory for her birthday!"
Squid Clank

2009-10-21 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (106)
Forum:2009-10-21 (Wednesday)
Agatha, von Zinzer, Mezzasalma, MSS, Professor Diaz, Fräulein Snaug, Violetta
"I'm so glad we had this talk!"

2009-10-23 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (107)
Forum:2009-10-23 (Friday)
von Zinzer, MSS, Agatha, Tarvek, Gil
(Gil and Tarvek insist on following.) squeeze
"I am going to save you both. And then I'm going to kill you!"

2009-10-26 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (108)
Forum:2009-10-26 (Monday)
Agatha, Diaz, MSS, Mezzasalma, von Zinzer, Tarvek, Gil
vreeeeeeekachakacriakh (platform lowering through hole)
Professor Mezzasalma, St. Bungi "Minion [of the month]"—Calendar for September with the 19th circled

Ad Interrupt

Location: Descending.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-10-27 (Tuesday)
Vol. p. 
Forum:2009-10-27 (Tuesday)
Agatha Heterodyne, Ardsley Wooster, Agent 44
Advertisement for created by Phil.

2009-10-28 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (109)
Forum:2009-10-28 (Wednesday)
von Zinzer, Agatha, Mezzasalma, Tarvek, Gil
descent through Castle Heterodyne
"Bowser", "his", "hers"

The Great Movement Chamber

Location: The Great Movement Chamber.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-10-30 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (110) and (111)
Forum:2009-10-30 (Friday)
von Zinzer, Agatha, Mezzasalma, Tarvek, Gil, Castle
Descent has reached the Great Movement Chamber
Castle: "The Dyne is...more than just water."
elegant and finely-crafted link

2009-11-02 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (112)
Forum:2009-11-02 (Monday)
<the first Heterodyne, <guardian of the spring, <Vlad the Blasphemous, <first Jäger, <Egregious Heterodyne, <Heterodyne minion
Castle recites a brief history of the Dyne.
the Dyne

2009-11-04 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (113)
Forum:2009-11-04 (Wednesday)
<Faustus Heterodyne, <Castle Heterodyne, von Zinzer, Mezzasalma, Tarvek, Gil, Agatha
End of history; Agatha looks a bit green....
"Ah--sorry, I'm feeling a bit-- --What?"

Agatha Feels Green

Location: The Great Movement Chamber.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-11-06 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (114)
Forum:2009-11-06 (Friday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Gil
Agatha has been infected
"Before we die of this, I am going to kill you."

2009-11-09 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (115)
Forum:2009-11-09 (Monday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Gil, Snaug, Violetta, von Zinzer
Snaug arrives with supplies.

2009-11-11 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (116)
Forum:2009-11-11 (Wednesday)
Violetta, Agatha, Tarvek, Gil
Tarvek and Gil discuss their options.

the Castle Flips Out

Location: The Great Movement Chamber.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-11-13 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (117)
Forum:2009-11-13 (Friday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Gil, Castle
Preparing to add Agatha to the Si Vales Valeo procedure.

2009-11-16 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (118)
Forum:2009-11-16 (Monday)
Agatha, Castle, Tarvek, von Zinzer
Agatha and the Castle discuss her impending death.
"Thank you.
"For your help."
"I'll just..."
"Shut up?"
(Agatha's) great grand-uncle Zagnut Heterodyne

2009-11-18 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (119)
Forum:2009-11-18 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Castle, von Zinzer, Tarvek, Gil
The Castle negotiates a change in plan.

Gil & Tarvek "Help"

Location: The Great Movement Chamber.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-11-20 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (120)
Forum:2009-11-20 (Friday)
Tarvek, Gil, Agatha, Castle
Tarvek distracts the Castle by attacking Gil.

2009-11-23 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (121)
Forum:2009-11-23 (Monday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Gil, von Zinzer, Violetta, Snaug
Agatha tries to break up the fight, but only manages to break von Zinzer.
"Oof. Yeah. ...But she's a big girl."
PoP (popcorn)

2009-11-25 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (122)
Forum:2009-11-25 (Wednesday)
Tarvek, Gil, Violetta, von Zinzer
Tarvek is unexpectedly good at hand-to-hand combat.

2009-11-27 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (123)
Forum:2009-11-27 (Friday)
Gil, Tarvek
Gil gets the upper hand... maybe.

2009-11-30 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (124)
Forum:2009-11-30 (Monday)
Tarvek, Gil, Castle, Agatha
They're really into it, now -- verbal and physical abuse -- leading to alarms going off on their support packs.
WOOP! WOOP! WOOP! (continuing)

The Castle REALLY Flips Out

Location: The Great Movement Chamber.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-12-02 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (125)
Forum:2009-12-02 (Wednesday)
Tarvek, Gil, Agatha, Castle
Gil and Tarvek save each other from the castle's assassination attempts
"They really are so entertaining" "They are not replaceable, but you, you are!"

2009-12-04 (Friday)
Vol.IX p. (126)
Forum:2009-12-04 (Friday)
Tarvek, Gil; Diaz, Mittelmind; Theo, Krosp, Zeetha, Higgs, Sleipnir; von Zinzer, Snaug, Violetta; Castle prisoners (Snapper, Sanaa, R-79, Thanos, Squinaldo); Agatha; dingbots; Othar; Zola, Tiktoffen; body of Otilia(?); Carson von Mekkhan
People (and things) react to the death-cry of the Castle

2009-12-07 (Monday)
Vol.IX p. (127)
Forum:2009-12-07 (Monday)
Agatha, Mezzasalma, Tarvek, Gil, Snaug
Agatha rushes to get started on the cure, hoping there's time before the Baron attacks
(Gil's) father/the Baron CRACKLE

Final Page of Volume 9

Location: The Great Movement Chamber.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-12-09 (Wednesday)
Vol.IX p. (128)
Forum:2009-12-09 (Wednesday)
body of Otilia (out of panel, not identified), Tarvek, Gil, Agatha
A voice from the pit announces that it's FREE! Agatha is worried that it'll mean more delay.

Holiday Hilarity Break

Maxim's Exciting Hat Story!

Location: At a bar.

Names Used Text Extras

2009-12-11 (Friday)
Vol. p. 
Forum:2009-12-11 (Friday)
Dimo, Maxim, Ognian, Mamma Gkika
Maxim has a new hat, and wants to tell everyone how he got it

Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor
