Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Volume summary: Queens and Pirates

The chronology pages describe the comics to assist scholars in finding the page on which something occurred. For each page of the comic, the chronology pages identify the characters that appear, actions taken, significant quotes, and other things of interest. Page numbers from the website are zero padded to three digits and in parentheses, for example: (005), (061), (113). Page numbers from print volumes are neither, for example: 5, 61, 113. Section titles are from the canon unless otherwise noted.

For historical reasons, volumes 1 (I) through 13 (XIII) are usually identified with Roman numerals on the Girl Genius chronology pages and elsewhere in the wiki. From volume 14 on, the story entered a new "act" and the volume numbers started over, in Arabic numbers, proceeded by a "2-". For example, overall volume 15 is given as volume 2-2 on chronology pages.

For a partial timeline of the events in the comic, see Internal Chronology.

For more information on the double-page spreads in this volume, see double-page spreads in Girl Genius.

For more information on special pages in this volume, see the list of special pages, notes, and annotations.

Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

One or more of the following symbols may be attached to a name to indicate the type of appearance. For more explanation, see Chronology Sigils Key.

     (!) Sparking             (!!) God-sparking            (*) Heterodyning
      <  Flashback             >   Flashforward             =  Flash-concurrent
      ~  Imagined              \   Hidden                   ?  Uncertain
      %  Recorded image        @   Transmitted image        #  Controlled body

For more information about the page records and guidelines for adding new ones, see Girl Genius:Editing the Chronology.

---First Page of Act 2: BOOK FIVE (GGvol.18)

Pomp and Happenstance (no longer canon)

Location: The Great Ivory Chamber of the Awful Tower[1]

Note: The first eight pages of this volume (Volume 18 or Book 5 of Act 2), were originally posted online as the last eight pages of the previous volume (Volume 17 or Book 4 of Act 2).

Names Used Text Extras

2017-07-14 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 001 (old page no. 121)
Forum:2017-07-14 (Friday)
Colette, Large crowd that includes Agatha and company and Martellus[2]
Colette: "—And thus, I will be relying upon all of you, my father's most trusted friends. We must all do our part to keep his—and our—beautiful dream alive in these perilous times. We can close our walls against the Other, yes, but alone, we cannot hope to rid Europa of her influence. Fortunately, we are not alone. Paris has many friends and allies."
The Great Ivory Chamber, The Awful Tower, My Father (Simon Voltaire), The Other, Europa, Paris, Martellus von Blitzengaard
Eventually, in the Great Ivory Chamber of the Awful Tower—
Caption, upper left corner of full page panel.

2017-07-17 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 002 (old page no. 122)
Forum:2017-07-17 (Monday)
Martellus, Seffie, Colette, Tybalt, Jaron, Dimo, Abraxus, Violetta, Oggie, Agatha, Agatha's Wasp eater, Zeetha, Jenka[3]
Colette: "You have slain a great enemy, and saved Paris."
Martellus: "With your help, of course!"
Colette: "Of course. It was with the help of many—and I applaud all of you. And yet—you boldly enter my court, claiming the Lightning Crown."
Martellus: "By blood and conquest, no less!"
Colette: "There are those who will dispute that."
Martellus: "They may try!"
Colette: "Very well. I owe you a debt…and so I will not have you killed—but know that Paris is not yours to claim. It will remain autonomous and free, as my father forged it. Keep this in mind, and we shall remain friendsworking together to save Europa."
Martellus: "That will be my pleasure, ma'am!"
The Mistress of Paris, The Master of Paris, A Great Enemy (Andronicus Valois), Paris, Lightning Crown, My Father (Simon Voltaire), Europa

2017-07-19 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 003 (old page no. 123)
Forum:2017-07-19 (Wednesday)
Colette, Agatha, Agatha's Wasp eater, Seffie, Martellus, Abraxus, Violetta, Oggie
Colette: "The 'Other' has spread her Slaver Wasps far and wide throughout Paris. Too many of my poor people are at the mercy of her voice—unable to disobey her every command. Until I find a way to break her hold, all I can do is keep her, and her agents, away. Paris, for the time being, will no longer be open to all. All the gates are now sealed—and—I am afraid you will all have to leave."
Paris, Papa (Simon Voltaire), The Other, Slaver wasps

Let's Go To England Already

Location: Leaving the Great Ivory Chamber of the Awful Tower

Names Used Text Extras

2017-07-21 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 004 (old page no. 124)
Forum:2017-07-21 (Friday)
<Colette[4], ~Melissa Solera, ~Talpini, ~Arguron, ~Mini T-rex in evening wear, Agatha, Agatha's Wasp eater, <Geisterdamen (deceased), <Gargoyle of Paris?[5], Zeetha, Dimo, Oggie, Jenka[3], Maxim[3], Violetta, Ardsley Wooster
Colette recounts how the Library and certain other Deep Realms have agreed to join forces with Paris against the Other. She also says she will help everyone with their preparations for their journey away from Paris. Agatha is upset; she has no idea where to go or where Prende's Lantern is now. Suddenly, she runs into Ardsley Wooster, who offers to help…Agatha go to England.
Colette: "The Librarians—and the leaders of the various Deep Realms who were attacked by the "Other"—have agreed to work with us. I hope that you, too, will continue to aid in this fight—from the outside. Lady Heterodyne—thanks to your monograph and the samples you have provided—we have already begun a project to produce our own wasp eaters."
Agatha's Wasp eater: "Skronk!"
Colette: "The 'Other' tried to take Paris, and so far, she has failed—but I do not doubt that she will try again, and that her ultimate goal reaches far beyond the walls of Paris. We will all have much to do. Now, go. Prepare for your departure. I will see to it that you have whatever you need to continue your journey."
Dimo: "Well, dot vos fun!"
Maxim: "Yeah! Fancy!"
Agatha: "But—I don't know where to go…the Lantern—"
Wooster: "Ah—but I can help you there! I keep keep telling you—you need to go to England!"
The Librarians, The Deep Realms, The "Other", Paris, The Lantern (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), England
Sign on building, panel 3.
Fille Chat CAFE
Poster on wall with picture of cat girl waitress, panel 3.
Based on the pictures in panel 1, one of the Deep Realms is led by a being that looks like a man-sized Tyrannosaurus rex wearing a top hat and tails and is presumably inhabited by similar creatures. We have seen this being, or one very much like it, before; on at least two previous occasions.

We haven't seen Ardsley Wooster since the previous volume.

2017-07-24 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 005 (old page no. 125)
Forum:2017-07-24 (Monday)
Agatha, Dimo, Wooster, <Aldin, <Dio Zardeliv, <Madwa Korel, Violetta
Agatha: "Well, Mister Wooster, it seems like you've been trying to get me to England for years. Very well, let's be off."
Albia, The Library, Prende's Chronometric Lantern, Smoke Knights, Londinium, England
Top of bookcase, panel 2.

Boarding the Airship (non-canon)

Location: At the Carla Hennes Airfield in Paris.

Names Used Text Extras

2017-07-26 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 006 (old page no. 126)
Forum:2017-07-26 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Violetta, Seffie, Agatha's Wasp eater[6], Martellus
Martellus: "Lady Heterodyne!"
Agatha: "Ah. Martellus."
Martellus: "Oh, but it's 'Your Majesty' now!"
Agatha: "Not even if it would free Mechanicsburg."
Martellus: "Careful, it just might!"
Agatha: "Oh?"
Martellus: "Choose your enemies wisely. This attempt by the Other to take Paris—I suspect that this 'Queen of the Dawn' was part of it. She was trying to attach herself to me—and now she has vanished. I will not insult your intelligence by playing the innocent, but I swear—I would put aside this crown in an instant—if I knew it would end the machinations of the 'Other.'"
Agatha: "Hmf. Fine. I don't trust you, but I'll believe you."
Martellus: "Ha! You see, Seffie? Our children will be magnificent!"
Seffie: "Arrrgh! This is why you are not allowed to talk to my friends!"
Carla Hennes Airfield; Tempest (airship); NO EXPLODIN[G] (sign)

2017-07-28 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 007 (old page no. 127)
Forum:2017-07-28 (Friday)
Agatha, Violetta, Wooster, Agatha's Wasp eater, Octopus Porter, Aldin, <Jiminez Hoffmann, <Larana Chroma
Aldin: "Anyway. Um…listen. I…um…I think you're a good person."
Agatha: "Ah, thanks?"
Aldin: "Um…and I know that people seem really excited about you—making a big hero out of you and all—I mean just looking around Paris will tell you thatbut—well, just remember that a lot of powerful people still remember the old, bad Heterodynes. So—I think—you should just remember that those people will be watching you—to be sure that you stay a good person."
Paris; 406 Londinium; Tom Wilkinson; Now Loading

Final Page of Act 2: Book 4- (no longer canon)

Note: This page was originally the final page of Act 2, Volume 4 (see the note at the top of the next page). However, the Foglios later decided to move eight pages from the end of act 2, volume 4, to the beginning of act 2, volume 5. This "chapter heading" has been left in the chronology as part of the historical record.

Names Used Text Extras

2017-07-31 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 008 (old page no. 128)
Forum:2017-07-31 (Monday)
Agatha, Oggie, Violetta, Maxim, Zeetha, Jenka, Agatha's Wasp eater, Dimo
Agatha tells her companions about Aldin's warning, but they don't seem worried about it. In fact, they are nearly giddy, joking with Agatha, who seems dismayed that they aren't taking her more seriously.
Agatha: "—And then he just got all embarrassed and left. …It was like he was warning me about something, but didn't want to say too much. What do you guys think?"
Oggie: "I dunno, Mistress, but dun hyu vorry—vit us around, hyu ken't help lookink goot!"
Violetta: "Ha! If only by comparison!"
Maxim, Zeetha, Jenka (shouted together): "Yeah!"
He (Aldin) Last page of Act 2, Volume 4 (AKA volume 17)

The Winslow short story and other artwork

Occasion: An art break after the original end of volume 4. See note at the start of the previous entry.

Names Used Text Extras

2017-08-02 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 1-3
Forum:2017-08-02 (Wednesday)
The Winslow, Various Alien Races, Vulcan, Roman Centurion, Roger Park (Time Traveling Private Eye)
Monday's page was the last of volume 17, and Phil is working on the cover. It's going slowly because we all got a pretty miserable strain of con crud the minute we got home from San Diego. So…please enjoy this story of cosmic weirdness from the vaults of Studio Foglio: The Winslow!
Note at top of page, incorporated as part of the image. This note was correct when the page was originally posted to the comic website, but the Foglios later decided to move eight pages from the end of volume 17 (act 2, book 4), to the beginning of volume 18 (act 2, book 5), so the page referred is now part of volume 18.
Three page filler comic, a repeat of the Phil Foglio classic, "The Winslow!".

Bride and Groom (non-canon)

Occasion: Messing with the Gil and Agatha Shippers[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-08-04 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2017-08-04 (Friday)
Agatha, Gil
Agatha and Gil are portrayed as a bride and groom in this non-canonical drawing Phil did as a comission
We're still working on getting the new volume up and running. In the meantime, here is a picture than Phil drew for a commission back in 2013—for one of our first Kickstarter campaigns, I believe. We've been wanting to have Cheyenne color it for ages, and finally got around to it. It's not meant to be canon, by the way, that's the thing about commissions…heh. --Kaja
Note at top of page, incorporated as part of the image.
Filler page

Cover Art for Volume 4 (non-canon)

Occasion: The cover art for book 4 of The Second Journey of Agatha Heterodyne (volume 17 in the overall series).[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-08-07 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2017-08-07 (Monday)
Colette, Andronicus Valois, The Wee Beastie, Agatha, Portable Castle, Martellus

Ivo Sharktooth: Private Jager

Opening the Mechanicsburg Harvest Festival (non-canon)

Location: Start of Snail Race at the Mechanicsburg Harvest Festival[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-08-09 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 001
Forum:2017-08-09 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Mechanicsburg Crowd, Snail Jockeys, Racing Snails, Vanamonde von Mekkhan
Agatha officially opens the Mechanicsburg Harvest Festival by acting as the starter for the snail race. She is not impressed by the snails' racing prowess, but Van is quite excited by number three's progress.
Agatha (shouted, with last word shouted loudly): "—And so, it is my honor to bid you all welcome to this year's festival! Now, racers: on my mark—begin!"
Agatha (whispered): "Un, Van—are they moving?"
Vanamonde (last word shouted): "Ooh! Yeah! Number three is already two centimeters ahead! Yes!"
And now, a little short story from the future:
Note at top of page, incorporated as part of the image.
Over starting gate of snail race, panel 2.
  • WOOO!
The first page of the short story, "Ivo Sharktooth, P.J." This story takes place at some future date when Mechanicsburg is no longer in a time-stasis bubble and the Mechanicsburg Harvest Festival is taking place.

2017-08-11 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 002
Forum:2017-08-11 (Friday)
Vanamonde, Agatha, Snail Jockeys, Racing Snails, Crowd
As they watch the snail race, Van explains its role in the Mechanicsburg Harvest Festival to Agatha. Van decides to show Agatha the Golden Snail trophy, only to discover it's been stolen. With the Watch unavailable and the Jägers unsuitable for an investigation, it seems there is no one to turn to. Or is there?
Van: "Well, that's the official start of the harvest festival!"
Agatha: "So, they'll circle the town?"
Van: "Yep! The festival doesn't end until the last one crosses the finish line! There's a lot of betting, of course! The winner gets all kinds of perks—including a kiss from the Harvest Queen—"
Agatha: "I knew about that…"
Van (last five words shouted): "And, of course, the trophy— Ta dah! The Golden Snail!"
Agatha: "Huh. It's pretty small."
Van: "What? It—no! It's gone! Oh no. Oh no! The Golden Snail has been stolen! Who would dare?!"
The Harvest Festival, The Harvest Queen, The Golden Snail, The Watch, Snail Roundup, The Jägers
Sign on building, panel 1.[8]
On pedestal, panel 3.[9]
Although it is not stated directly in the comic, Agatha seems to be the Harvest Queen.

On the Case (non-canon)

Location: Ivo Sharktooth's Office[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-08-14 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 003[10]
Forum:2017-08-14 (Monday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Vanamonde, Agatha
Ivo Sharktooth: Clients vos sumting Hy'd HEARD about vunce...

Vanamonde: Lady Heterodyne, may I present IVO SHARKTOOTH, Private Jager.

(on notebook on desk)
(signed) Billy L.
(on certificates on wall)
(on door to office)

2017-08-16 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 004[10]
Forum:2017-08-16 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Ivo Sharktooth, Vanamonde

On the Run (non-canon)

Location: The Streets of Mechanicsburg[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-08-18 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 005[10]
Forum:2017-08-18 (Friday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Agatha, Big Guy
(on doors in hallway)

2017-08-21 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 006[10]
Forum:2017-08-21 (Monday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Big Guy, Mechanicsburg Natives and Tourists, Spanzel and Sonk (Jägermonsters)
Sign above snails, panel 1.[9]
Sign on wall, panel 1.
On t-shirt, panel 1. Presumably, this is the beginning of "MECHANICSBURG" and the "BURG" is on the back of the shirt.
  • TRIP!

2017-08-23 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 007[10]
Forum:2017-08-23 (Wednesday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Mechanicsburg Natives and Tourists, <Watchmen, Bartender at the Stopped Clock (Luzette)[11]

2017-08-25 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 008[10]
Forum:2017-08-25 (Friday)
Luzette (nickname: Anvil), Ivo Sharktooth, Empire Soldiers (Tavern Patrons)[12]
On tap pull behind bar, panel 1.
On ceramic jug on shelf behind bar, panel 1.
  • BING (×2)

At the Scene of the Crime (non-canon)

Location: The Stopped Clock tavern[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-08-28 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 009[10]
Forum:2017-08-28 (Monday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Empire Soldiers (Tavern Patrons)[12], Squeezy Stan (deceased), Tavern Employee (cook?), Luzette
Ivo (narrating): "Hy knew Hy had gots only a few seconds to take in de crime scene. Squeezy Stan vos dead. Vindow open. De killer vos gone. Office tossed, but not verra well—did dey gets vot dey vos looking for?"

2017-08-30 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 010
Forum:2017-08-30 (Wednesday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Luzette, Sonk, Spanzel, Chief Drozeki[13]
  • CLONK!
Sonk and Spanzel address each other by name on a previous page. Presumably, Spanzel is the one who coshes Ivo from behind (and out of frame) in panel 6.

The Mechanicsburg Watch (non-canon)

Location: The Watch House[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-09-01 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 011
Forum:2017-09-01 (Friday)
Ivo Sharktooth (narrating, starting in panel 1), Chief Drozeki, <Pluto Heterodyne, <Mechanicsburg Watch, <Mechanicsburg Inhabitants, <Jäger Watchman

2017-09-04 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 012
Forum:2017-09-04 (Monday)
Chief Drozeki, Ivo Sharktooth, <Castle Heterodyne Cellar Staff

2017-09-06 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 013
Forum:2017-09-06 (Wednesday)
Chief Drozeki, Ivo Sharktooth, Mechanicsburg Inhabitants, Racing Snails and Jockeys, Onlooking Crowd

Mechanicsburg Neighborhoods (non-canon)

Location: All around Mechanicsburg[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-09-08 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 014
Forum:2017-09-08 (Friday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Mechanicsburg Inhabitants, Tourists
Ivo (narrating): "Mechanicsburg is a pretty busy place—und each part ov town gots its own business to mind. De hospital District iz de most famous, ov courze. Right now, tings iz kinda tuff for folks out dot vay, but de hospital rebuilding iz comink along nizely. Next to de hospital is De Greens. It iz a big open area. If you ignore all the biology experiments runnink around, it iz a verra nize place. Den dere iz De Field of Weights. Dot's vere de markets are. All de Government Offices, too—depends vat hyu vants to buy. Behind dot iz De Tumbles Dot's vere most of de locals live. It iz de vun part uf town dot doesn't encourage tourists. —Und finally dere iz The Court of Gears. Dot's vere dey puts all de manufacturing and vorkshops and schtuff. It schmells terrible, und dot's before hyu know how it iz run."
Mechanicsburg, The Hospital District, The Greens, The Field of Weights, The Tumbles, The Court of Gears
Signs on shops, panel 1.
Signs on left side of scene, panel 3.
Signs on right side of scene, panel 3.
On side of building, panel 4.
This page was posted in black and white, with a note: "Ah, we're a little behind on work today, so we'll have the color version soon. I can't wait, I think this page will look great when Cheyenne is done with it! (Also, we're the ones behind, not Cheyenne, it's not his fault!)--Kaja" The color version was posted within the next day or two.

Charlemagne Greenclaw (non-canon)

Location: The Court of Gears[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-09-11 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 015
Forum:2017-09-11 (Monday)
Ivo Sharktooth (narrating, starting in panel 1), Residents of Mechanicsburg, Vanamonde von Mekkhan, Charlemagne Greenclaw[14]
Agatha is portrayed in a poster in panel 5.

2017-09-13 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 016
Forum:2017-09-13 (Wednesday)
Ivo Sharktooth (narrating, starting in panel 1), Charlemagne Greenclaw, Radcliffe

2017-09-15 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 017
Forum:2017-09-15 (Friday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Charlemagne Greenclaw
Greenclaw: "Clampooned Son of a Moonfather!"
Transylvania, The Golden Snail (race trophy), The Lady (Agatha)

The Blood Circle (non-canon)

Location: The Court of Gears[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-09-18 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 018
Forum:2017-09-18 (Monday)
Charlemagne Greenclaw, Ivo Sharktooth, <Smugglers/Brigands/Cutthroats, <Old Heterodyne, <Jägermonsters, <Members of the Blood Circle/Leading Citizens, <The Heterodyne Boys
Greenclaw: "'Traitorous?' Bah! What do you know about the Blood Circle?"
Ivo: "De families vot runs Mechanicsburg crime? Ho, pro'bly more den hyu, kiddo. Hy haz been here longer!"
Blood Circle, Mechanicsburg, The Masters (House Heterodyne), The Snail (golden snail race trophy)

2017-09-20 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 019
Forum:2017-09-20 (Wednesday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Charlemagne Greenclaw, The Murderer?

On the Trail of the Killer (non-canon)

Location: The Streets of Mechanicsburg[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-09-22 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 020
Forum:2017-09-22 (Friday)
Ivo Sharktooth, The Murderer?, Inhabitants of Mechanicsburg

2017-09-25 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 021
Forum:2017-09-25 (Monday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Watch Chief Drozeki
Charlemagne Greenclaw, Blood Circle, Hyu Guys (The Mechanicsburg Watch) This page was posted with a date of Sunday, September 24, 2017, instead of the "correct" date of Monday, September 25, 2017. This causes some problems with the links for the chronology and discussion entries for this page. The date for this page was changed to Monday, September 25, 2017 by Wednesday, September 27, 2017.

Eleven Deadly Sins (non-canon)

Location: Van's Office[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-09-27 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 022
Forum:2017-09-27 (Wednesday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Watch Chief Drozeki, Assistant, Van
Ivo: "At least two pipple iz dead becauze of dis snail. Why?"
The Fraternal Non-Euclidean Order of Oubliette, Labyrinth, and Shopping Mall Masons; Dis Snail (The Golden Snail), Greenclaw (Charlemagne Greenclaw); The Eleven Deadly Sins

2017-09-29 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 023
Forum:2017-09-29 (Friday)
Assistant, Van, <Andronicus Valois, <The Muses, <Old Heterodyne, Ivo Sharktooth

2017-10-02 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 024
Forum:2017-10-02 (Monday)
Van[15], <Old Heterodyne, <Member of a Blood Circle family, <One of the Deadly Sins (only its shadow is visible), Assistant, Ivo Sharktooth, <A member of the Svarka family, <One of the Deadly Sins (in silhouette), <Members of the Blood Circle, <More Members of the Blood Circle, <One of the Deadly Sins (only its hand is visible)
The Heterodyne Boys, The Snail Race, De Snail (The Golden Snail)
Written of sheaf of paper, panel 2

Art Interruption: Zeetha and Agatha: The Way They Were (non-canon)

Occasion: Phil and Kaja's 24th wedding anniversary.[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-10-04 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2017-10-04 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, Agatha
Zeetha and Agatha are standing shoulder to shoulder, facing away from each other, both looking fierce. Zeetha is brandishing her swords and Agatha a death ray; they are dressed as they were early in the comic.
Part of note from Kaja below the drawing: "What we're working on: October 2 was our twenty-fourth wedding anniversary...which was just lovely, but didn't leave a lot of time to get our work done. is a lovely picture of Zeetha and Agatha feeling dangerous. Cheyenne just finished coloring it, and we're very pleased with it. We're sorry about the story interruption, we'll be back to Sharktooth and his adventures on Friday!"

The Return of the Snail (non-canon)

Location: In Mechanicsburg[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-10-06 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 025
Forum:2017-10-06 (Friday)
Van, Assistant, Ivo Sharktooth, Unnamed Jäger
Blood Circle, Greenclaw (Charlemagne Greenclaw), The Sins (Eleven Deadly Sins), Stan (Squeezy Stan), De Snail (The Golden Snail)
  • KNOCK! (×2)

2017-10-09 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 026
Forum:2017-10-09 (Monday)
Ivo Sharktooth (narrating in panel 1), Vanamonde von Mekkhan, Unnamed Jägers, Courier (Horse-head Guy)

2017-10-11 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 027
Forum:2017-10-11 (Wednesday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Van, Snail street-food vendor
Ivo has a deductive breakthrough on the case, that Charlemagne's nephew Hadrian Greenclaw planned the killings in order take over the Blood Circle families, and explains it to Van. He also deduces that Van is in danger.
Ivo (narrating): "Dot's ven Hy realized—it vos Greenclaw's killer dot vos de key."
Charlemagne Greenclaw, The Court of Gears, Hadrian Greenclaw, Transylvania Polygnostic University, The Lady (Agatha Heterodyne)
Mostly obscured sign, possibly a street sign, panel 1.
Signs on street-food carts, panel 3.

The Invisible Assassin (non-canon)

Location: On the streets of Mechanicsburg[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-10-13 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 028
Forum:2017-10-13 (Friday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Van, Killer/Watchman
Ivo confronts someone invisible to the reader and Van, but not to him. He is attacked and responds violently, literally disarming (or at least dis-handing) the attacker. Ivo is injured during the fight, but deals much worse damage to his attacker, finally ripping devices off the sides of his opponent's head, causing him to become visible. Due to his injuries, the man collapses to the ground, disabled and possibly dying.
Van: "Who the hell is that?!"
Ivo: "Heh—dis iz a guy vot makes 'accidents' happen."
  • POW!
  • CHOMP!
  • SNAP!
  • RIP (×2)
It seems clear that the man who attacked Ivo was a Mechanicsburg Watchman. The devices ripped off the attacker's head seem to be the ones that cover or replace the ears of the Watchmen.

2017-10-16 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 030[16]
Forum:2017-10-16 (Monday)
Members of the Blood Circle Families, Hadrian Greenclaw, Van, Ivo Sharktooth
Hadrian Greenclaw seems to be fully in charge during a meeting of the Blood Circle. Nearly all of the other members are panicking. They don't know who has been killing members of the Blood Circle or who will be killed next. They want the Sins to come to their rescue, but fear that the Sins might attack them instead. Hadian insists that the Sins are completely and permanently out of commission. He is the picture of smug sang froid, reassuring the others (or trying to); at least, until Van and Ivo Sharktooth show up.
Hadrian: "Ladies and gentlemen. I think it's obvious by now that the Sins are a relic of the past. Clearly, we can no longer rely on an obsolete set of ancient clanks to oversee our affairs—nor should we."
The (Wulfenbach) Empire, The Sins (Eleven Deadly Sins), Mechanicsburg
Caption, top of panel 1.
  • KNOCK! (×2)
Hadrian has a green, clawed mechanical left hand, living up to the family name.

The Sin of Hadrian Greenclaw (non-canon)

Location: Hadrian's (formerly Charlemagne's) office in Court of Gears[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-10-18 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 001[17]
Forum:2017-10-18 (Wednesday)
Van, Ivo Sharktooth, Members of the Blood Circle, Hadrian Greenclaw, <Former Watchman/Hired Assassin, <Head of Blood Circle Family, Greenclaw Family Sin (One of the Eleven Deadly Sins)

2017-10-20 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 031[18]
Forum:2017-10-20 (Friday)
Van, Ivo Sharktooth, Greenclaw Family Sin (One of the Eleven Deadly Sins)
  • FLING!
  • SLAM
  • WAK!
  • RIP!
  • TEAR
  • REND!

The Secret of the Von Mekkhans (non-canon)

Location: Hadrian's (formerly Charlemagne's) office in Court of Gears[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-10-23 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 032
Forum:2017-10-23 (Monday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Greenclaw Family Sin (One of the Eleven Deadly Sins), Vanamonde von Mekkhan, Hadrian Greenclaw
Van: "Enough. Von Mekkhan commands you. Stand down."
Sin: "…I obey."
Ivo: "Vot?! Hyu can just—"
Van: "I am the Heterodyne's seneschal. My family is second only to the Masters themselves."
Ivo: "But—den, vy din' hyu do dot right avay?!"
Van: "Well—we Von Mekkhans have our own secrets. We do our best to keep them."
  • GLOMP!
  • RIP! (×3)
  • CLIK

2017-10-25 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 033
Forum:2017-10-25 (Wednesday)
Van, Hadrian Greenclaw, Ivo Sharktooth

Art Interruption: "The Lady and the Snail" Cover (non-canon)

Occasion: Buying time to work on the story.[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-10-27 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: COVER!
Forum:2017-10-27 (Friday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Agatha
Note below image: "Yes, it's the cover for Ivo's story. Which should have gone at the beginning, I guess, but here it is now. The thing is, we need a little more time to get the words right on the next page. Phil wasn't feeling good, and I am SO CLOSE to figuring out how to get the Kickstarter backer survey set up properly, and we just didn't get the script done to our satisfaction. is a picture of Ivo and Agatha looking very noir. We'll be back on Monday with more story, and we're sorry for the delay! --Kaja"
Ivo Sharktooth, Private Jäger: "The Lady and the Snail"

The Motive (non-canon)

Location: Hadrian's (formerly Charlemagne's) office in Court of Gears[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-10-30 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 034
Forum:2017-10-30 (Monday)
Van, Hadrian Greenclaw, Ivo Sharktooth
Squeezy Stan, The Lady/Our Heterodyne (Agatha)

2017-11-01 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 035
Forum:2017-11-01 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Van

The End (non-canon)

Location: Ivo Sharktooth's Office[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2017-11-03 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 036
Forum:2017-11-03 (Friday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Sonk and Spanzel[19]
De Masters/De Family (The Heterodynes), Mechanicsburg, Europa, Jägers, Jägerdraught

Tarvek Embarks

Location: At the Carla Hennes Airfield in Paris.

Names Used Text Extras

2017-11-06 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 009
Forum:2017-11-06 (Monday)
Seffie, Mister Obsidian, Tarvek
HMA Tom Wilkinso[n]

2017-11-08 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 010
Forum:2017-11-08 (Wednesday)
Tarvek, Seffie, ~Gil, Mister Obsidian

Agatha Arrives in England

Location: The White Spires, gateway to Londinium, England

Names Used Text Extras

2017-11-10 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 011
Forum:2017-11-10 (Friday)
Ardsley Wooster, Agatha, Violetta, Zeetha, Dimo, Oggie, Maxim, Jenka?, Tarvek
The list of characters is partly speculative since the airship is portrayed only from the outside and from a great distance. It seems very likely that Wooster is speaking since the speaker shows local knowledge. We know, from the next page , that Agatha, Violetta, Zeetha, Dimo, Oggie, and Maxim are on the airship. Presumably, based on the previous pages, Tarvek is there as well. This was what the Foglios wanted us to think, but wasn't a correct presumption. Jenka was with Agatha before boarding the airship, so she may have come along, too.

2017-11-13 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 012
Forum:2017-11-13 (Monday)
Ardsley Wooster, Violetta, Agatha, Oggie, Maxim, Dimo, Zeetha, Bearskin-wearing Guards, Hippocrates Brunel
The type of tall fur headgear worn by the guards portrayed on this page is properly termed a Bearskin, not (as it is sometimes mistakenly called) a Busby. Hippocrates Brunel may be inspired by the real-life British engineer called "one of the 19th century engineering giants", Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

2017-11-15 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 013
Forum:2017-11-15 (Wednesday)
Ardsley Wooster, Hippocrates Brunel, Agatha, Violetta, Customs Agents

2017-11-17 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 014
Forum:2017-11-17 (Friday)
Ardsley Wooster, Hippocrates Brunel, Agatha, Dimo, Zeetha, Customs Agent, Violetta, Maxim?, Various staff, Drinks Cart Girl, Oggie

GIN (on grey bottle) GLENFID(DICH) (on flask of brown liquid)

CARE FOR A DRINK? (on drinks cart)

Glenfiddich is the best-selling single-malt scotch whiskey in the world.

2017-11-20 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 015
Forum:2017-11-20 (Monday)
Hippocrates Brunel
Brunel speaks about the submergence of England while standing in front of an enormous porthole through which can be seen a submarine panorama, most of which is occupied by an undersea city, presumably Londinium. There are a multitude of transparent, multicolored domes of all shapes and sizes, connected by tubes or covered corridors. Through some of them can be seen buildings, and, at least in one case, a tall tree. Two huge statues, of scantily clad or nude women, stand guard over the main entrance tube to the city, raising swords to form an archway over the corridor. A Union Jack pennant hangs above the point where this passageway connects to the dome. A number of submarines move about, above the city.
"The Great Submergence has set us a challenge! A challenge which has driven us to become one of the mightiest nations on earth!"
Number (faint and hard to see) on large hatch or panel behind rightmost statue, near bottom of page.
First page of a double-page spread.

2017-11-22 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 016
Forum:2017-11-22 (Wednesday)
Hippocrates Brunel (not on page, but speaking)
Brunel continues to speak and more of submerged England is revealed. Many more domes can be seen, as well as more statuary, more submarines, a school of large fish, and a rather grumpy-looking whale with an ad for Guinness on its side. Rising high behind the rest is an enormous dome containing a large number and variety of buildings.
"And our trading fleet is known around the globe—making the Queen's English the language of trade and commerce!"
The Queen (Queen Albia of England), Lady Heterodyne (Agatha), England
Lovely day for a Guinness
Ad on side of whale
Second page of a double-page spread. Link to complete image. Guinness is an Irish dry stout; which, in our world, has been brewed since 1759. In our world today it is one of the most successful beer brands in the world.

The Mopey Tortoise is Under Attack

Location: At the White Spires air traffic control and on the airship Mopey Tortoise.

Names Used Text Extras

2017-11-24 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 017
Forum:2017-11-24 (Friday)
High-ranking British Navy Officer, Communications Officer, Dingbot, Tarvek, Captain Jeanne Hawkins of the Airship Mopey Tortoise
Hawkins: "Hoy—d'you know what those Bookbinders pay for the fermented dung of Cloud Baboons? It's more profitable than ambergris!"
Tarvek (making disgusted face): "—And it makes everything it touches smell like burning bilges!"
Tom Wilkenson/Tom W.[20], Lady Heterodyne/Agatha, My Girl Seffie, Mopey Tortoise, Bookbinders (Librarians)
Caption at top of panel 1.
Caption at top of panel 3, indicating a change of scene.
  • SNAP
  • CLIK
  • YOINK!

2017-11-27 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 018
Forum:2017-11-27 (Monday)
Tarvek, Captain Jeanne Hawkins
Tarvek: "Have you ever heard of a large-scale Smoke Knight concealment field?"
The Flea, Jack McDog, Smoke Knights

2017-11-29 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 019
Forum:2017-11-29 (Wednesday)
Captain and crew members of Sturmvoraus airship, Captain Jeanne Hawkins, Tarvek, Lucy, Another member of the non-pirate crew
Hawkins: "Yarrr! Me sire was a pirate, as was me dam! I am a Europan of piratical descent—and an honest mover of goods—in Her Majesty's employ!"
Your Grandmother, Europan, Her Majesty (Queen Albia of England)
But soon—
Caption, top of panel 1.
501 (601?)
Number on bulkhead of Sturmvoraus airship, next to hatch, panel 1.

2017-12-01 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 020
Forum:2017-12-01 (Friday)
Tarvek, Captain Jeanne Hawkins, Captain of Sturmvoraus airship
Tarvek (shouted): "Look out! They're all Smoke Knights!"
Captain of Sturmvoraus airship: "Of course. Her Highness would hardly send a team of ordinary footmen."
Tarvek: "Lovely. Well, it'll be interesting to see who wins."
Captain: "Seriously? We are elite warriors trained in speed, subtlety, and misdirection. What have a bunch of dirty pirates got to counteract that?"
[Loud cannon fire sounds and the Sturmvoraus airship goes down in flames.]
Tarvek: "…A reckless enthusiasm for massive firepower?"
Non-pirates (shouted loudly in unison): "Yarrr!"
Seffie, Smoke Knights, Her Highness (Grandmother)
  • SLASH!
  • BOOM! (×3)

Trelawney Thorpe

Location: Entering England.

Names Used Text Extras

2017-12-04 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 021
Forum:2017-12-04 (Monday)
Hippocrates Brunel, Agatha, Oggie, Wooster, Trelawney Thorpe
Brunel surmises that Agatha is trying to unfreeze Mechanicsburg, gives her advice on where she can find help in England, then takes his leave. Wooster warns her that Brunel is not as nice as he seems, and someone new and yet very familiar shows up.
Agatha (referring to Brunel): "Well. What a nice man."
Wooster: "Nice? Hah. Watch out, Lady Heterodyne. That's just one way an old adventurer like him survives. Still, he's learned to fake it remarkably well."
Trelawney: "Almost as well as you have."
Wooster (with emphasis): "I am a genuinely nice person!"
Old Klaus Wulfenbach, Your City (Mechanicsburg), The Society of Fools (more formally, Her Majesty the Queen's Right Puissant Society of Sages, Adepts, and Prometheans), Your Young Baron (Gil), Albia (Queen Albia of England), Old Sossy, The Museum of Light and Hope, Picky Harrington, The Corbettite Collection at the Cathedral This is the first appearance of Trelawney Thorpe in the main comic, although she has been mentioned as the heroine of a series of popular novels, featured in her own adventure comic, drawn by Cheyenne Wright, "The Crown of the Sleeping King", and in the card game The Works.

2017-12-06 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 022
Forum:2017-12-06 (Wednesday)
Wooster, Trelawney Thorpe, Agatha
Penny Sparklies, Gil, Wulfenbach Empire

2017-12-08 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 023
Forum:2017-12-08 (Friday)
Trelawney Thorpe, Agatha, Wooster, Oggie, Dimo, Maxim
Professor Zardeliv, Smoke Knight Madwa Korel, Seagate, Prince Sturmvoraus (Tarvek), Colette, Jenka

The Mopey Tortoise is Under Attack Again

Location: On and near the airship Mopey Tortoise.

Names Used Text Extras

2017-12-11 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 024
Forum:2017-12-11 (Monday)
Tarvek, Captain Jeanne Hawkins, Other Members of Non-Pirate and Smoke Knight Crews
The fight between the non-pirates and Smoke Knights is in full swing, with objects flying through the air. Tarvek is scanning the sky with a telescope, humming. Hawkins angrily asks what he's up to; he points out that her friend's approaching airship looks wrong. She agrees and calls a truce.
Captain Hawkins (shouted): "What in purple blazes are you doing?"
Tarvek: "Oh, keeping an eye on things."
Hawkins: "Aren't you at least a little worried about all this?"
Tarvek: "Well, not yet. You're being paid to get me to England. They're being paid to bring me back. Everyone here wants me healthy. So far, so good—"
  • SMAK!
  • POW!
  • TING (×3)
On bottle flying through air, panel 2.
The incoming ship is the Flea, captained by Jack McDog (the names are given on a previous page.) Tarvek sadly surmises that McDog must be dead.

2017-12-13 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 025
Forum:2017-12-13 (Wednesday)
Smoke Knight Captain, Captain Jeanne Hawkins, Tarvek, Non-Pirate Crew (voices from out of panel), Knights of the Hunt (in lupine form)
The leader of the Smoke Knights also agrees that something is wrong with the approaching airship. Hawkins decides to use the guns, but is told they have been spiked by the Knights. She and her crew are not at all happy about this. Both the Knights and the non-pirates prove to be prone to over-excitability. Tarvek makes a inspirational speech rallying the troops, until they see that their new opponents are a pack of anthropoid wolf-like creatures. (Perhaps dog-like would be a more apt description, given their fondness for treats.)
Tarvek (shouted): "Enough! The people on that ship are here to kill all of us! —But, listen to me! Half of you are Smoke Knights! Trained in the traditions of the Storm King's own elite guard! And the rest of you are…uh…are Europans of piratical descent! Any one of you can beat ten normal men! So if you act together—you can take on anyone!"
Smoke Knights, The Storm King (Andronicus Valois), Europans of Piratical Descent
As is revealed on the next page , the lupine beings are Knights of the Hunt working for Martellus von Blitzengaard.

2017-12-15 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 026
Forum:2017-12-15 (Friday)
Captain Jeanne Hawkins, Smoke Knight Captain, Tarvek, Jaron, Other Smoke Knights, Members of Non-Pirate Crew, Knights of the Hunt (in lupine form)
Jaron appears out of nowhere, holding knives. He starts killing the non-pirates and smoke knights, trying to get to Tarvek, whom Martellus has sent him to assassinate. The hounds[21] storm the ship to help Jaron, who would rather they didn't. Tarvek has an idea, and asks Hawkins for help.
Hawkins: "What are they, anyway?"
Smoke Knight Captain: "They're His Majesty's Knights of the Hunt. Bullets won't stop them!"
Tarvek (shouted): "Smoke Knights! Ignore the hounds! You're fighting a Night Master!"
Jaron: "Well spotted. Now I see why Martellus needs you dead."
Smoke Knight Captain: "Aaaah! That's not just any Night Master, that's Jaron!"
Tarvek: "Well, yes! He's Martellus' personal assassin! Who were you expecting to come with Martellus' Knights? —And by the way, remember how I said I wasn't worried? (shouted) I am now!"
Night Master, Martellus
  • FOOM!

2017-12-18 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 027
Forum:2017-12-18 (Monday)
Non-pirates, Smoke Knights, Knights of the Hunt (in lupine form), Jaron, Captain Jeanne Hawkins, Tarvek
The non-pirates and Smoke Knights start to panic, quite understandably. Jaron can attack from anywhere at any time, and the dogs[21] are almost unstoppable; between both of these foes the non-pirates and Smoke Knights are being slaughtered. Tarvek cooks up something hopefully helpful in the galley, while Captain Hawkins guards the door.
Non-pirate (shouted): "Where did he go?"
Smoke Knight: "He's a Night Master. He could be anywhere."
Non-pirate: "That's not very helpful…and have you seen the Captain?"
Smoke Knight: "Shh—quiet. Sight is a trap. I need my other senses…"
Knight of the Hunt: "Rhaargh!"
Non-pirate (shouted): "Look out!"
Smoke Knight: "Oh, for— Why did he have to bring the dogs?!"
Jaron: "Oh, I know. They're not very elegant, are they? No style."
Non-pirate: "Urk!"
Smoke Knight: "Ak!"
Jaron: "—But my King insisted."
Different Smoke Knight (shouted): "Shoot him!"
Different non-pirate (shouted): "But—he's gone!"
Night Master
  • STAB
  • ZOWNT!
  • POF! (×2)
Meanwhile, in the galley—
Caption, top of final panel

2017-12-20 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 028
Forum:2017-12-20 (Wednesday)
Captain Jeanne Hawkins, Tarvek, Knight of the Hunt (in lupine form)
Tarvek works with burners, beakers, and chemicals, brewing a formula to use against the hounds[21]; the substance goes through many changes of color and form. The Captain urges him to hurry; her crew are dying! A hound appears in the galley door and the Captain fends him off, while Tarvek finishes his formula; the end product is many small spherical purple pellets. He tests one by tossing in the face of the attacking hound. The ball explodes into a small cloud of dust or vapor, and the hound reacts with alarm.
Knight (shouted): "Lord Jaron, I have found him! (normal voice) Stand aside! I will kill him! I!"
Hawkins: "Ow! I'm tempted to let him, you know…"
Tarvek (in madness place, briefly): "There! Now to test it!"
[Tarvek tosses a small purple ball that explodes near the Knight's face.]
Knight: "Hrur—cute little ball— (shouted loudly) Yipe!"
  • POF!

2017-12-22 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 029
Forum:2017-12-22 (Friday)
Knights of the Hunt (in lupine form), Non-pirates, Smoke Knights, Captain Jeanne Hawkins, Tarvek, Jaron
The hound [21] that got a faceful of Tarvek's pellet covers his eyes, yelps in pain, runs onto the deck, and then jumps overboard, which alarms the other hounds. More hounds are attacked and react the same way. While Tarvek distributes purple pellets to the non-pirates, Jaron appears behind him.
Hawkins: "It's working! Nice!"
Tarvek: "Here. Try to hit them in the face."
Other non-pirates (together): "Oooh!"
Tarvek: "I'll have to deal with the Night Master—"
[Jaron appears in back of Tarvek, who dodges.]
Tarvek (shouted): "Aaah! Who is right behind me!"
Night Master
  • POF! (×2)

2017-12-25 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 030
Forum:2017-12-25 (Monday)
Jaron, Tarvek, Knight of the Hunt, Non-pirate
Jaron: "Tch. Very clever. Oh, you're still going to die—"
Tarvek (shouted): "Yi!"
Jaron: "But now, I'm going to make it hurt."
Tarvek (shouted): "Oof!"
Jaron: "At least you can take comfort in the knowledge that you have caused me trouble. Martellus loves those idiot hounds—"
Tarvek (shouted): "Gak!"
Jaron: "And because of youI am going to have to return with the news that half the fools are dead."
  • GUNCH!
  • WHAM
Caption, top of final panel.

2017-12-27 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 031
Forum:2017-12-27 (Wednesday)
Knight of the Hunt, Non-pirate
Non-pirate and Knight of the Hunt, together (shouted): "Something is coming!"
Lord Jaron, Captain (Captain Jeanne Hawkins)

2017-12-29 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 032
Forum:2017-12-29 (Friday)
Jaron, Tarvek, Captain Jeanne Hawkins, Knight of the Hunt, Bang, !Gil
Jaron: "What an exciting final day you've had!"
Tarvek: "Oh! Look! An angel!"
Jaron: "I rather doubt it."
[Bang leaps into view from above, delivering a swift kick to the back of Jaron's head.]
Bang (shouted): "Back off, pal—Squealy is mine!"
Tarvek: "A terrible, terrible angel!"
Gil: "DuPree! Don't fool around with him—that's von Blitzengaard's chief assassin!"
Sea Serpent/Subhunter Serpent, von Blitzengaard (Martellus von Blitzengaard)
  • POF!
  • SMAK!
"Prince Squealy"[22] and "Prince 'How Dare You'"[23] are some of Bang's pet names for Tarvek.

Happy New Year 2018

Occasion: New Year's Day 2018 break

Names Used Text Extras

2018-01-01 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-01-01 (Monday)
The old, tarnished, worn-out 2017 dingbot (with a sprung mainspring) is winding up the shiny new 2018 dingbot, which is quite startled to be activated.
Studio News: "HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank you for reading Girl Genius. We hope 2018 is good to all of you, and that we can continue to amuse you all the way through it!"

Waiting for the Submersible

Location: The submarine locks, Londinium, England

Names Used Text Extras

2018-01-03 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 033
Forum:2018-01-03 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Harbor Master, Dock Wallopers, Other Dock Workers, Wooster, Trelawney Thorpe
Madwa Korel
Meanwhile, in Londinium—
Caption, top of first panel.
LO[CK] 1007-B

2018-01-05 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 034
Forum:2018-01-05 (Friday)
Agatha, Lock Operator, Harbor Master, Trelawney Thorpe, Wooster

2018-01-08 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 035
Forum:2018-01-08 (Monday)
Harbor Master, Trelawney Thorpe, Wooster, Lock Operators, Agatha
Printed in a circle around lock hatch (repeatedly, apparently all the way around), last panel.
Printed on lock hatch in two lines, broken at hyphen, last panel.
Printed on lock hatch in smaller letters, last panel.

2018-01-10 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 036
Forum:2018-01-10 (Wednesday)
Lock Operator #1, Harbor Master, Lock Operator #2, Other Lock Technicians, Dock Wallopers
  • POOM
  • BOOM!

2018-01-12 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 037
Forum:2018-01-12 (Friday)
Trelawney Thorpe, Dock Walloper, More Dock Wallopers, Harbor Master, Sonic Team Member, Dimo, Agatha
Trelawney: "Sonic Team! Can you hear them?"
Harbor Master: "No! There's nothing but engine noises! Something's very wrong."
Sonic Team Member: "The crew must be knocked out—or maybe even dead!"
Sonic Team, Imperial Key, Shaped Charge
  • POIT
  • F-BOOM!

2018-01-15 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 038
Forum:2018-01-15 (Monday)
Trelawney Thorpe, Submarine Crew (deceased), Wooster
The shaped charge Trelawney placed on the sub's hull has blasted the hatch open. Trelawney explores the vessel, looking for the crew or passengers, but finds only corpses.
Trelawney: "They're all dead!"
Wooster: "Miss Thorpe…"
Trelawney: "—And it's not my fault!"
Wooster: "No one said it was!"
  • THUMP!
  • tik (×3)
Large block letters on back of uniform, panel 7.

2018-01-17 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 039
Forum:2018-01-17 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Wooster, Trelawney, Violetta, Mustache Dock Walloper, Curl Dock Walloper Plague Mask Doctor
Madwa Korel, Uncle Tiktok/Doctor Zardeliv
Caption, top of panel 1.
The character referred to as Plague Mask Doctor could be a person in a mask or a construct. This person seems to be acting as a medical examiner.

Extra Art: The Mighty Organ

Occasion: Nothing in particular.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-01-19 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-01-19 (Friday)
Agatha, Krosp
Agatha is playing a very large, Sparky-looking organ, while Krosp, in a nightgown, holds up a clock to shown the lateness of the hour (3 AM).
This is a re-working of a painting by Phil Foglio from 1979, which is shown below the Girl-Genius-themed version.

Gil and Tarvek Meet Again

Location: On the Mopey Tortoise

Names Used Text Extras

2018-01-22 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 040
Forum:2018-01-22 (Monday)
Bang, Jaron, Tarvek, Gil
Bang fights Jaron and more than holds her own against him. During the conflict she inflicts several serious injuries on her opponent, while escaping further damage herself. Throughout the clash, she keeps up a continuous stream of banter, annoying Jaron no end and perhaps even distracting him enough to aid Bang during their battle.
Jaron: "Tch—you know what your problem is?"
Bang: "Ooh! I bet I know this one!" [Bang stabs Jaron.]
Jaron (shouted): "Arrgh!"
Bang: "I bet you're going to say I talk too much! Everybody says that! Now, I don't think I talk that much," [She stabs Jaron again.]
Jaron(shouted): "Ak!"
Bang: "so I thought, maybe I'm just annoying!"
Tarvek: "I had no idea she was capable of such self-awareness."
Gil: "Wait for it…"
Bang: "—But that's just crazy! I mean, it's so obviously untrue! I think people just get touchy when they're losing. —But hey, let's open this up for discussion! What do you think?"
Jaron (shouted): "Shut up!"
Bang: "There, see? That's exactly what I mean!"
Somebody I Like (Vole)
  • stab
  • swish
  • WAK!

2018-01-24 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 041
Forum:2018-01-24 (Wednesday)
Gil, Tarvek, Jaron, Bang
Lucrezia, Paris, The Master (Simon Voltaire), Colette

2018-01-26 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 042
Forum:2018-01-26 (Friday)
Captain Jeanne Hawkins, Tarvek, Surviving Smoke Knight, Surviving Non-pirate, Gil, Marka (another Smoke Knight), Knight of the Hunt (in lupine form), Bang, Jaron, Another Non-pirate

2018-01-29 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 043
Forum:2018-01-29 (Monday)
Tarvek, Gil, Bang, Captain Jeanne Hawkins
Sea Serpent (Subhunter Serpents), Castle Wulfenbach, Smoke Knights, Jaron, Dog (one of the Knights of the Hunt in lupine form), Martellus
Caption, top of panel 4.
Text on poster, partially displayed in panel 5.

2018-01-31 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 044
Forum:2018-01-31 (Wednesday)
Tarvek, Bang, <Wulfenbach Minions
Wulfenbach (Gil), Heterodyne Girl (Agatha), Her Mom (Lucrezia), Klaus, Mechanicsburg, Empire Stuff (Wulfenbach Empire)
Caption, top of panel 1.

2018-02-02 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 045
Forum:2018-02-02 (Friday)
Tarvek, Captain Jeanne Hawkins, Bang
England, Calais, Castle Wulfenbach, Seffie, Royal Bounty, Queen's Tattoo
And so, soon—
Caption, top of panel 1.

Strange Poison and Mystery

Location: At the Londinium docks in England

Names Used Text Extras

2018-02-05 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 046
Forum:2018-02-05 (Monday)
Plague Mask Doctor, Trelawney, Saluting Dock Walloper, Wooster, Agatha, Inventory Dock Walloper, Mustache Dock Walloper, Curl Dock Walloper
Lantern (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), HMS Audacious, HMSS Ogo-pogo, The Sealord, Mopey Tortoise Based on the dialog on this page, HMSS stands for "Her Majesty's Sea Serpent" and the Mopey Tortoise is classified as a privateer. The Plague Mask Doctor, the Mustache Dock Walloper, and the Curl Dock Walloper have all appeared on a previous page of this volume.

2018-02-07 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 047
Forum:2018-02-07 (Wednesday)
Wooster, Trelawney, Curl Dock Walloper, Mustache Dock Walloper, Agatha, Violetta, Agatha's Wasp eater
Mopey Tortoise, Prince Sturmvoraus (Tarvek), Audacious, Bristol Platform Seven, Prende's Chronometric Lantern, Ogo-pogo, Sea Serpent (Subhunter Serpents), Master Gil

2018-02-09 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 048
Forum:2018-02-09 (Friday)
Wooster, Curl Dock Walloper, Trelawney, Agatha, Zeetha, Oggie, Maxim
The Sealord, Bristol Platform Seven, The Lantern (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), The Queen (Queen Albia of England), England, Mopey Tortoise, Master Gil

Extra Art: Trying to Sleep

Occasion: A huge mistake in the art for the page that was supposed to be posted on this day.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-02-12 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-02-12 (Monday)
Agatha, Portable Castle, The Beast
We made a huge mistake with the art for today's page… so now it's Wednesday's page. We're very sorry about that! Instead, here's a picture we haven't yet shown anyone. Now back to the screaming and recriminations… Thank you! --Kaja

Arriving at Dover One

Location: Dover One airship docking station.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-02-14 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 049
Forum:2018-02-14 (Wednesday)
Flag Signalperson, The Admiral, Captain Jeanne Hawkins, Another Captain?, Hawkin's four surviving crew members with Bang passing as a fifth
Hawkins mentions that only four of her crew survived in panel 2 of page 042 (web).

2018-02-16 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 050
Forum:2018-02-16 (Friday)
Trelawney, Captain Jeanne Hawkins, The Admiral, Member of Hawkin's Crew, Bang, Wooster
The Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, The Queen Herself (Queen Albia of England)

Extra Art: Wasp Eater and Clank Party

Occasion: The Kickstarter for the next Girl Genius graphic novel, Kings and Wizards, is announced and the artwork and a mockup of the medal for this campaign is shown.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-02-19 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-02-19 (Monday)
Agatha's Wasp eater, The Wee Beastie, Portable Castle
The Mini-Beast and the Portable Castle are shown mounted on Honker, surrounded by a constellation of stars.
Kaja: "The new Kickstarter Backer contact form seems to be working well, and a good thing too, because I have to launch yet another Kickstarter campaign sometime this week. Of course, that means I needed Phil and Cheyenne working on art for the campaign...which means that today we get a cute picture, rather than story. I'm really sorry about that! The good news is that I'll have the medal design off to the pin maker sometime tonight, and maybe they'll get done a bit sooner this time. (The medals can take a while, sometimes Phil's art is hard to translate to sculpted form.)"
Celebremus! Google Translate gives "Let us celebrate!" as one translation of "Celebremus!". This certainly is consistent with the drawing.

Albia of England

Location: The Royal Palace in England.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-02-21 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 051
Forum:2018-02-21 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Zeetha, Lord Womble
Agatha and Zeetha are in an enormous, palatial room, which isn't surprising, since it is in Queen Albia's palace. Agatha frets about Gil and Tarvek. Zeetha tries to reassure her and gives her a lesson on dealing with Queens. A person with the head of a unicorn appears and asks them to follow him.
Zeetha: "But listen to me—this is a show of power. You're being tested. You are in another Queen's land—and you come and go at Her word. This is a law among queens. Always remember—you do not rule here. The Heterodynes of the past had a lot of trouble accepting that reality…"
Agatha: "Well, I am hardly one of the 'Heterodynes of the past.'"
Womble: "—And the lack of screaming, ranting, and egregious violence has been noted. Princess, Lady Heterodyne, if you will follow me—"
Mister Wooster, Gil, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Royal Navy, The Queen (Queen Albia of England), The Heterodynes of the Past (House Heterodyne)
Caption, top of panel 1.
Lord Womble's name isn't revealed until the next page.

2018-02-23 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 052
Forum:2018-02-23 (Friday)
Lord Womble, Agatha, Zeetha, Albia, Man with Tank on Back, Clank in Fur Coat and Hat, Fairy-like woman, Guy in Big Hat, Servant, Guard in Uniform, Lion, Other Royal Guests(?)
Zeetha and Agatha are escorted to an colossal, transparent, undersea dome and presented to Queen Albia by Lord Womble. The dome contains a huge, elaborate, lovely formal garden. As Albia welcomes them, Zeetha and Agatha gape with astonishment. Not only is the garden inhabited by many strange beings, and full of floating, glowing particles, but the Queen is a giantess, dressed in sensible gardening clothes, gloves, and an apron, pruning the top of a tall fir tree with scissor-like secateurs. The only signs of royalty in her appearance are her tiara featuring an emblem of the British flag, and her halo of stars, apparently hovering unsupported around her head.
Albia: "Ladies. Welcome to my garden."

2018-02-26 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 053
Forum:2018-02-26 (Monday)
Albia, Guy in Big Hat, Fairy-like woman, Zeetha
Albia greets Zeetha and walks towards her, shrinking rapidly until she is only slightly more than normal size. She speaks of Skifander and offers Zeetha her hand. Zeetha grasps it then immediately lets go; it's too hot! Albia explains that overly rapid compression is the cause of the heat, to Zeetha's puzzlement. Albia then asks about Queen Luheia.
Albia: "Zeetha of Skifander, you may approach. It has been far too long since I have had word of your people."
Zeetha: "You…you know of Skifander?"
Albia: "Oh, yes—but is was so long ago, before the mirrors went dark. I confess, I had believed your land lost forever."
Zeetha: "The mirrors—I…"
Albia: "Oh, yes, we will have much to talk about, my dear. You are most welcome here."
Skifander, Mirrors, Queen Luheia There is an egg-shaped, grinning head peeking over a bush in panels 2 and 3.

2018-02-28 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 054
Forum:2018-02-28 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, Albia, Fairy-like woman, Bird-headed Man, Lion, Woman in Headdress, Guy in Big Hat, Clank in Fur Coat and Hat
Zeetha informs Albia that Luheia died so long ago she has passed into legend. Albia's gardening getup morphs into into black mourning clothes. She is taken aback to learn that Skifander's Queen is no longer immortal. As she speaks, Albia's appearance shifts again; she now possesses the green hair and scanty attire of a Queen of Skifander. Albia admits that she doesn't know how to find Zeetha's home; she spoke to Luheia through a "magic mirror" which no longer works. She reacts with shock when Zeetha tells her that Agatha took two and a half years to pass through a similar device.
Zeetha: "L-luheia? Queen Luheia—uh, she died. To save Skifander from the Grey Witch—"
Albia: "Oh—poor Luheia, dead… We are sorry to hear that…though we had guessed as much. A grey witch, you say?"
Zeetha: "I…I think that was her legend. There've been so many queens since then, and I'm—"
Albia: "'So many—' You mean to say that Skifander is no longer ruled by an eternal God Queen?"
Queen Luheia, Grey Witch, Skifander, My Mother (Zeetha's Mother, Zantabraxis the Warrior Queen of Skifander), Mirrors, Agatha, Mechanicsburg

2018-03-02 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 055
Forum:2018-03-02 (Friday)
Albia, Zeetha, Fairy-like woman, Agatha
Albia dismisses Zeetha and bids Agatha approach. She gazes intently in into Agatha's eyes, apparently discerning Agatha's super Sparky state quite a while ago in Castle Heterodyne. Albia's hair and clothing change to resemble Agatha's appearance at the time. After reacting with glee because Agatha survived, Albia grows grim and states that Agatha is causing problems, including the fact that Gil has invaded Britain.
Albia: "Now then. Lady Heterodyne—you may approach. Let us look at you. Oho! Yes, we thought so! We can always tell."
Agatha: "Your Majesty?"
Albia: "You are one who has peeped into the infinite!"
Agatha: "Ah—Your Majesty, I think—I mean, that was only temporary… And I almost exploded."
Albia: "But you didn't! Well done for your first time!"
Agatha: "Ah—'first time?'"
Albia: "Later, you'll only have to worry about exploding other people!"
Lord Womble, Your Young Baron (Gil) Albia's appearance in panels 5, 7, 8, and 9 and the flashback in panel 6 refer back to a short passage in Agatha Heterodyne and the Guardian Muse starting on page 053 (web), but Agatha's eyes don't turn gold in this scene until the following page, in panel 2 of which Higgs comments: "Remember old Igneous? Just before he exploded?"

Extra: Nonsense from Professoressa Foglio

Occasion: A new page wasn't prepared for today because all of the Professors went to Emerald City Comic-Con.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-03-05 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. AN Page 001[24]
Forum:2018-03-05 (Monday)
Kaja Foglio, <Drusus Beausoleil

2018-03-06 (Tuesday)
Vol.2-5 p. AN Page 002-004[24]
Forum:2018-03-06 (Tuesday)
Krosp, Van, Othar, Oggie, Maxim, Dimo, Gil, Tarvek, Agatha, Wooster, Violetta, Kaja Foglio

Albia Wonders About Gil

Location: Albia's Garden, in the Royal Palace in England.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-03-07 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 056
Forum:2018-03-07 (Wednesday)
Green Furry bignose[25], Agatha, Albia, Man with Tank on Back, Clank in Fur Coat and Hat, Dreadnought that contains Krosp, Swartzwalders, Dimitri Vapnoople, ~Klaus
"The Wulfenbachs are men quite able to carry terrible devastation in the palms of their hands—a fact of which you must be well aware, Lady Heterodyne."
He/The Young Baron (Gil), Wulfenbachs
Number on Take-Five Bomb, portrayed in the hand of Baron Klaus Wulfenbach, last panel.

2018-03-09 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 057
Forum:2018-03-09 (Friday)
Agatha, Albia, grinning satyr-like creature, Fairy-like woman

Gil Meets His Hero

Location: The Royal Palace in England.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-03-12 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 068[26]
Forum:2018-03-12 (Monday)
Gil, Tarvek, Trelawney

2018-03-14 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 059
Forum:2018-03-14 (Wednesday)
Gil, Trelawney, Tarvek
Captain DuPree (Bang), My Queen (Albia), Royal Pursuit and Rescue, Wulfenbach Territory, Princess Urania

2018-03-16 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 060
Forum:2018-03-16 (Friday)
Trelawney, Gil, Tarvek
Her Majesty/Your Queen (Albia), Revenant Activity (Revenants), Agatha/Lady Heterodyne (Agatha Heterodyne), The Other, The Baron (Baron Klaus Wulfenbach)

Albia Makes an Offer

Location: Albia's Garden, in the Royal Palace in England.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-03-19 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 061
Forum:2018-03-19 (Monday)
Albia, Agatha
Prende's Lantern, Lucrezia, Mechanicsburg

2018-03-21 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 062
Forum:2018-03-21 (Wednesday)
Albia, Agatha, Mister Stonegrease, Guy in Big Hat, Lord Womble, Zeetha, Person in Background
Circus Friends (Master Payne's Circus of Adventure), Lord Frothing, The Society (The Queen's Society; more formally, Her Majesty the Queen's Right Puissant Society of Sages, Adepts, and Prometheans) Although the reference to "the Society" is a bit ambiguous on this page it is confirmed to be the Queen's Society two pages later.

2018-03-23 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 063
Forum:2018-03-23 (Friday)
Albia, Mister Stonegrease, Boringly Human Guy, Clank in Fur Coat and Hat
Albia (speaking of Agatha): "Yes…such an extraordinary young lady…she will make a lovely addition to our garden."
Lady Heterodyne (Agatha), Hadrian Rakethorn, Royal Princesses, College of Mysteries, The Lantern (Prende's Lantern) This page has been posted in black and white, with this note: "I have a plane to catch, so here is tonight's page, devoid of color until I land. Thank you for your patience! --Kaja" The page is now in color and the note has been removed.

Agatha Settles in

Location: Headquarters of the Queen's Society in England

Names Used Text Extras

2018-03-26 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 064
Forum:2018-03-26 (Monday)
Lord Womble, Agatha
Womble: "Here we are. The headquarters of the Queen's Society. They have the entire dome."
Agatha: "The whole thing? Impressive. Is that to help concentrate resources—and encourage interdisciplinary communication?"
Womble: "Oh, yesss…of course…but mostly it's so that if you Sparks come up with something insanely dangerous, we can blow the dome and get you all at once."
Agatha: "…Ah. That makes sense."
Our Queen (Albia), The Queen's Society, Sparks

2018-03-28 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 065
Forum:2018-03-28 (Wednesday)
Lord Womble, Agatha, Violetta, Zeetha, Oggie
The Queen (Albia), Sparks

2018-03-30 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 066
Forum:2018-03-30 (Friday)
Zeetha, Agatha, Agatha's Wasp eater
Agatha: "Zeetha, this is the first chance I've had to really work. I don't know how long it'll last. First of all, this guy is cute and all, but I don't want to have to rely on him to live—"
Wasp eater (at whom Agatha is pointing): "Skee!"
Agatha: "Or on Martellus, for that matter. There's also the question of getting Lucrezia out of my head—Tarvek will be useful thereand I'm already getting closer to figuring out how the Baron's mind control is affecting Gil."
Martellus, Lucrezia, Tarvek, Gil, The Baron, Wulfenbach, Albia
Caption, top of panel 1.
On instrument panel in background, panel 1.

The WORKS and Other Distractions

Art Interruption: Jäger Poker Deck (non-canon)

Occasion: Phil needs time on art for The Works, 2nd Ed. and the Jäger Poker Deck[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2018-04-02 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. JagerPokerart07
Forum:2018-04-02 (Monday)
Ivo Sharktooth, Vole, Dimo, Goomblast, Jorgi, Jenka, Mamma Gkika, Oggie, Maxim, Zog, Gargantua, Khrizhan
New art for Ivo Sharktooth and Vole for the Jäger poker deck is shown, along with a photo of the method Kaja used to decide which Jägers would have their image on the various court cards.
Kaja: "As I have mentioned, Cheapass Games is bringing back the Girl Genius: The WORKS card game. This delights us, except for the fact that Phil still has to draw a few more cards for it. While he finishes those up, here's the last of the art for the Jäger poker deck we started so long ago. Cheapass has added it to their Kickstarter campaign as an add-on. They'll have an update about the poker deck soon. Until then, you can read their update about the gorgeous play mat they're putting together. It's very pretty!"
Today's page is Jäger Poker Art 7. The previous six pages were part of a lengthy art interruption that started on Friday, July 10, 2015 .

Art Interruption: Very old art from Phil (non-canon)

Occasion: Phil needs time on art for The Works, 2nd Ed. and the Jäger Poker Deck[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2018-04-04 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-04-04 (Wednesday)
Various odd and interesting characters
A city or village scene is shown, consisting of almost nothing but numerous narrow towers, each topped by a single small room with a single window with a shutter. Most of these are open, with a great variety of strange beings visible through them, going about their daily lives. A plank and rope bridge spans the front of the scene, being traversed by a humanoid creature with a head a bit reminiscent of an iguana, holding a hiking staff and wearing a backpack.
Kaja: "As I have mentioned, Cheapass Games is bringing back the Girl Genius: The WORKS card game. We're getting to the point where we need Phil to finish up those cards, and so I've been trying to think of fun stuff we can show you in the meantime. Unfortunately, today I have a cold, and so slept most of the day and didn't finish the thing I wanted to show you tonight. SO INSTEAD...I have dug up one of Phil's VERY OLD drawings...because I think it's fun to see what his work looked like all those years ago. Phil says: "This was the first thing I did when I moved to Chicago for college. WindyCon 1 was coming up, and I thought it would be nice to have something to sell. WindyCon1 was my first regional convention. It was an excellent convention, I went there, and the next year, I was on the con staff. As far as I know, the convention is still going. You and I have been guests there." (I'm the "you" he's talking about, by the way, I'm just typing what he says to me from the other room. He's still drawing Works cards. Yes, indeed, I have been a guest at Windycon.)"

Art for cards from the Works 2 (non-canon)

Occasion: Phil needs time on art for The Works, 2nd Ed. and the Jäger Poker Deck[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2018-04-06 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. The WORKS preview
Forum:2018-04-06 (Friday)
Various characters from Girl Genius, featuring: Violetta and Othar, Van and Agatha, Agatha and her Dingbots, Gil (wearing the Magnificent Hat) and some Jägermonsters, Kaja Foglio, Phil Foglio, a Slaver Queen, and Zoing
Pencil sketches and mostly finished art from the upcoming second edition of the Works is shown.

2018-04-09 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-04-09 (Monday)
Jenka, Füst
Kaja: "Hey, it's Jenka and Füst, because Phil is drawing cards like a madman, and we're both still sick. It's good that he didn't go to the con this last weekend. In other news, yes, Cheapass Games is bringing back the Girl Genius: The WORKS card game. As for our own recent Kickstarter campaign, our BackerKit surveys will start going out on Monday, April 8. Backers, please watch your inboxes and our updates. Thanks!"
It's not clear whether this is the art for a card on The Works, 2nd Ed., or just filler art.

2018-04-11 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-04-11 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Colette, Krosp
Kaja: "The BackerKit invitations for our last Kickstarter campaign now have gone out via email. This is for Girl Genius: Kings and Wizards. Backers, please watch your inboxes. We want to send all the books we can straight from the printer, so please fill them out right away! For those who missed the campaign, we will have our BackerKit store open for a little while. Most of the items in the BackerKit store will be available later from our regular online store, but the exclusives are there as well, so if you want one of the medals, patches, or Envelopes of Madness, you can still get in under the wire at BackerKit. (Backers, be sure to log in with your actual personalized invitation or the system won't recognize you.) ...and yes, Cheapass Games is bringing back the Girl Genius: The WORKS card game. We may have mentioned it once or twice."
GIRL GENIUS THE WORKS This may be the final box art for one of the decks in The Works, 2nd Ed., but this is not definitely stated.

2018-04-13 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-04-13 (Friday)
Tarvek, Gil
GIRL GENIUS THE WORKS This may be the final box art for one of the decks in The Works, 2nd Ed., but this is not definitely stated.

2018-04-16 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-04-16 (Monday)
Zeetha, Violetta
GIRL GENIUS THE WORKS This may be the final box art for one of the decks in The Works, 2nd Ed., but this is not definitely stated.

2018-04-17 (Tuesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 
Forum:2018-04-17 (Tuesday)
The Works 2nd ed pencils for Colette, Ruxala, Zola's Pink Airship, Zola, Agatha (chased, and then chasing monsters)

2018-04-18 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 
Forum:2018-04-18 (Wednesday)
The Works 2nd ed pencils for Moloch von Zinzer (admired by Snaug, Sanaa, Miss Baumhund, and Violetta), Franz (defeating Floriel Flametongue), Krosp (in an engine, chasing a mouse), Zeetha (preparing to give some sisterly affection to Gil), Carson (channeling Der Kestle), Agatha (preparing to activate KILL clank, while Moloch rushes to stop her)

2018-04-19 (Thursday)
Vol.2-5 p. 
Forum:2018-04-19 (Thursday)
he Works 2nd ed pencils for Airman Higgs (facing down a dragon), The Red Cathedral, Dingbot Prime (taking hammer to Gil's foot, and then pinching Tarvek's finger), Gil (riding Otilia), Sleipnir (piloting a emergency life-buoy flyer), Tiktoffen (sweeping up some skulls, and then showing off the castle control device built into his arm)
Working Concept Art for the Works Coin

2018-04-23 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 
Forum:2018-04-23 (Monday)
The Works 2nd ed pencils for Dr. Mittelmind, Lucrezia-Anevka[27] (with Geisterdamen), Klaus (strangling syringe-wyrm), The Great Library (reading book—appears to be Castle Heterodyne), Snaug (juggling knives), Dingbot Queen, Boris (with Wulfenbach minions and staff), Professor Foglio (annoying a mouse with song), Wooster (being admired by Oggie and Maxim), Jorgi (gesturing to dragon), Sqinaldo (drinking poison while another prisoner turns ill), Sanaa Wilhelm (rebuffing Moloch's offer of a flower with a boot to the face)

2018-04-25 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 
Forum:2018-04-25 (Wednesday)
The Works 2nd ed pencils for Krosp (forced by Dingbots to retreat to a stool), Zeetha (bonding with Violetta), Lucrezia's Secret Lab (with Tarvek, Gil, and Violetta captured), Doctor Sun (treating Klaus), Vespiary Squad (including Scorp, and then a Wasp eater identifying a revenant), Violetta (using a blow gun on a Nyar Spider), Tiny Monster Island (Wulfenbach regulars trying to save their boots)

2018-04-27 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 
Forum:2018-04-27 (Friday)
The Throne of Faustus Heterodyne (with Carson seated), Daiyu (with Selnikov head-in-jar), Gil (in treatment tank), Tarvek (with admiring Wasp eaters), Van (and Coffee minion), Mezzasalma, The "Other" ("Lunevka" speaking with Zola), Zola (in Flying Coat), Otilia (original Muse chassis), Sanaa, Wulfenbach's Walker (aka Medical Trainer clank, now clearly labeled "Medical Transport"), Bang (giving Gil a sisterly pat)

Someone Attacked Castle Wulfenbach

Location: Headquarters of the Queen's Society in England

Names Used Text Extras

2018-04-30 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 067
Forum:2018-04-30 (Monday)
Wooster, Zeetha, Agatha, Violetta
Castle Wulfenbach, Constructs, Europa, Her Majesty (Albia)
Sign on wall, panel 2. Some additional words may be present out of the panel.
Tag on Sparky mechanism, panel 5.

Meeting the Dreadnought (non-canon)

Location: Battersea Tower above England[7]

Names Used Text Extras
2018-05-02 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 068
Forum:2018-05-02 (Wednesday)
Landing tower control room, Airship control room
Her Majesty's (Albia) Tower Battersea, Wulfenbach Dreadnought Christine Biondi, Lady Heterodyne (Agatha), Baron Wulfenbach (Gil)
Caption, top of full-page panel.

2018-05-04 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 069
Forum:2018-05-04 (Friday)
Wooster, Agatha, Zeetha, Violetta, Dock Wallopers, Gil, Tarvek, Captain Antonio Briggs, Wulfenbach Soldiers
The Wulfenbach Ship Christine Biondi

It's the Emperor! (non-canon)

Location: Battersea Tower above England[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2018-05-07 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 070
Forum:2018-05-07 (Monday)
Krosp, Six Armed Bears, Captain Antonio Briggs
Kaja added this comment below the page image: "It's the Emperor! --Kaja"

Albia meets Vapnoople

Location: Battersea Tower above England

Names Used Text Extras

2018-05-09 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 071
Forum:2018-05-09 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Krosp, Wooster, Zeetha, Armed Bears, Dock Wallopers, Dimitri Vapnoople, Albia (voice only from out of frame in final panel)
Castle Wulfenbach, Albia

2018-05-11 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 072
Forum:2018-05-11 (Friday)
Albia, Dock Wallopers, Violetta, Zeetha, Krosp, Agatha, Wooster, Swartzwalders, Dimitri Vapnoople
If those are high heels, you got your money's worth! — Dr. Dim
Great Cetaceans, Beloved Octopode Subjects, Klaus Wulfenbach

2018-05-14 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 073
Forum:2018-05-14 (Monday)
Albia, Dimitri Vapnoople, Swartzwalder, Krosp, Agatha
Martellus von Blitzengaard

2018-05-16 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 074
Forum:2018-05-16 (Wednesday)
Tarvek, Gil, Albia
Your Father (Klaus)

Agatha Meets Some New Colleagues

Location: Headquarters of the Queen's Society in England.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-05-18 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 075
Forum:2018-05-18 (Friday)
Krosp, Agatha[28], Violetta, Zeetha, Doctor Hadrian Rakethorn
Professor Sarvox
Caption, top of panel 1.
Hadrian Rakethorn was mentioned some pages back , when Albia was deciding who to choose as Agatha's lab assistant.

2018-05-21 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 076
Forum:2018-05-21 (Monday)
Hadrian Rakethorn, Agatha, Krosp, Zeetha, Violetta, Quintillius Harmon (Lord Snackleford)
Professor "Tobber" Homlomium

2018-05-23 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 077
Forum:2018-05-23 (Wednesday)
An Unnamed Member of the Queen's Society, Quintillius Harmon (Lord Snackleford, AKA Snacky), Smokes[29], Two Other Lads (perhaps minions of Quintillius Harmon), Agatha, Trogulus
Professor "Tobber" Homlomium

2018-05-25 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 078
Forum:2018-05-25 (Friday)
Agatha, Krosp, Zeetha, A Fish (soon to be an ex-fish), Oggie, Maxim
Doctor Vapnoople/Poppa (Dimitri Vapnoople), Martellus, Those Wolf Guys (Knights of the Hunt), The Bears (Swartzwalders), The Baron (Klaus Wulfenbach), The Jägers, A Heterodyne (House Heterodyne)

2018-05-28 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 079
Forum:2018-05-28 (Monday)
Hadrian Rakethorn, Agatha, Ariadne Steelgarter, Zeetha
Her Majesty (Albia), Sparks, Paris
Labels on trunks from Paris fashion houses in Agatha's quarters

2018-05-30 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 080
Forum:2018-05-30 (Wednesday)
Ariadne Steelgarter, Agatha, Zeetha, Violetta
Skifander, Our Glorious Queen (Albia), Smoke Knight, Holfung-Borzoi, Paris, Atelier Philomela, Tarvek

Gil and Tarvek Lay Plans

Location: The Royal Palace in England.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-06-01 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 081
Forum:2018-06-01 (Friday)
Trelawney, Tarvek, Gil
Agatha, The Empire (House Wulfenbach), Her Majesty (Albia)
Caption, top of panel 1.
  • Flick (×2)

Zeetha Tells Her Story to a New Audience

Location: Party thrown by Ariadne Steelgarter

Names Used Text Extras

2018-06-04 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 082
Forum:2018-06-04 (Monday)
Doctor Parnassus O'Flynn, Trogulus, Ariadne Steelgarter, Agatha, Zeetha, Violetta, Maxim, Dimo, Man with Monocle, Woman with Goggles, Oggie
Uncle Barry (Barry Heterodyne), Ghost Submarines, My Father (William Heterodyne), The Heterodynes, Old Tobber (Professor "Tobber" Homlomium)

2018-06-06 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 083
Forum:2018-06-06 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, Chef/Server, Violetta, Ariadne Steelgarter, Maxim
Skifander, The Queen (Albia), Professor Consolmagno
On tank in background of panel 1.
Marmite is a real-world British "delicacy".

Guy Consolmagno is a real-world American research astronomer, Jesuit religious brother, and Director of the Vatican Observatory, who is a friend of Phil Foglio. He was the inspiration for this character named after him.

2018-06-08 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 084
Forum:2018-06-08 (Friday)
Zeetha, <Professor Consolmagno, <Queen Zantabraxus (Warrior Queen of Skifander), <Air Pirates
Skifander, Polar Lords (Polar Ice Lords) Compare with Madame Olga's version of Zeetha's story.

2018-06-11 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 085
Forum:2018-06-11 (Monday)
Zeetha, Ariadne Steelgarter, <Air Pirates, Agatha, Party Guests, Ulysses Bonny[30] (working as a drinks server)
Skifander, British Privateers

Where's Tobber?

Location: Party thrown by Ariadne Steelgarter

Names Used Text Extras

2018-06-13 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 086
Forum:2018-06-13 (Wednesday)
Quintillius Harmon, Martha von Monopole (AKA Old Sleestack), Man with Monocle, Long-faced Man, Man Wearing Colorful Outfit, Old Fred, Woman with Metal Hand, Dim Bulb Lightbulb Head, Man in Uniform, Doctor Haggard[31], Young Hopkins[31], Young Smokes[32]
Aldin Hoffmann, Old Tobber (Professor "Tobber" Homlomium)
Caption, top of final panel
The character in panel 5 strongly resembles Old Fred from the film Yellow Submarine. Submarines very similar in appearance to the titular vessel from this film have appeared in the waters around Londinium on previous pages.

2018-06-15 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 087
Forum:2018-06-15 (Friday)
Smokes, Quintillius Harmon, Agatha, Doctor Haggard, Lord Bunstable

2018-06-18 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 088
Forum:2018-06-18 (Monday)
Lord Bunstable, Smokes, Doctor Crisp, Quintillius Harmon, Man with Monocle, Man with Red and Blue Lenses, Chef/Server, Dimo, Agatha, Maxim, Doctor Henkle, Oggie

2018-06-20 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 089
Forum:2018-06-20 (Wednesday)
Lord Bunstable, Agatha
Professor Homlomium, Jägermonsters
On book spine, panel 3.

2018-06-22 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 090
Forum:2018-06-22 (Friday)
Lord Bunstable, Agatha, Maxim, Another Party Guest
Old Tobber (Homlomium), The Heterodynes, Temporal Physics

Wooster Gets the News

Location: In a submarine in the waters around (and above) England

Names Used Text Extras

2018-06-25 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 091
Forum:2018-06-25 (Monday)
Female Communications Officer (blonde, with gap in front teeth), Wooster, Tarvek, Higgs
Caption, above panel 1.
On creature outside porthole in panel 3, which seems to be a "peanut butter fish" following a jellyfish.
  • tap (×2)

Trelawney Asks Gil Out (non-canon)

Location: Back in Albia's palace in England[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2018-06-27 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 092
Forum:2018-06-27 (Wednesday)
Trelawney, Gil
They (Agatha, Tarvek, Wooster), Sturmvoraus (Tarvek Sturmvoraus), Her Majesty (Albia), The Entire Wufenbach Empire, Paris

Agatha Examines the Equations

Location: In Professor Homlomium's lab in the Queen's Society dome.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-06-29 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 093
Forum:2018-06-29 (Friday)
Agatha, Lord Bunstable
Professor Tobber Homlomium
Complex equations and diagrams in chalk cover multiple sliding blackboards in several panels
Panels 1, 3, 4, 5
Written on blackboard, panel 6.

2018-07-02 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 094
Forum:2018-07-02 (Monday)
Agatha, Lord Bunstable
Mechanicsburg, Europa, Young Baron (Gil), Doctor Dio Zardeliv, Old Tobber (Homlomium), Professor Zing, Great Library (Incorruptible Library), England
Complex equations and diagrams in chalk are seen on a blackboard in the background.
Panels 1, 5, and 7.

Tarvek Works it Out

Location: In Professor Homlomium's lab in the Queen's Society dome.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-07-04 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 095
Forum:2018-07-04 (Wednesday)
Tarvek, Higgs, Wooster
Tarvek places Higgs' hand on his own throat
The Lady Heterodyne (Agatha), Her Majesty (Albia), Europa

2018-07-06 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 096
Forum:2018-07-06 (Friday)
Higgs, Tarvek
Higgs (to Tarvek): "You. Sturmvoraus. Latest in a family of underhanded, devious, scheming serpents. I've known them well—generation after generation—and they have never produced anyone as dangerous as you."

Gil and Trelawney Hit the Town

Location: On the streets of Londinium.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-07-09 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 097
Forum:2018-07-09 (Monday)
Gil, Trelawney, Street Vendors, Passers By

2018-07-11 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 098
Forum:2018-07-11 (Wednesday)
Gil, Trelawney, Passers By, Security Clanks, Royal Guards
Royal Collection of Inconvenient Oddities
Sign over restaurant door, panel 1.
Sign on restaurant door, panel 1.
On restaurant window, panel 1.
On street-side trash can.
On plaque, panel 2.

Encountering Oddities (non-canon)

Location: In the Royal Collection of Inconvenient Oddities building in Londinium.[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2018-07-13 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 099
Forum:2018-07-13 (Friday)
Trelawney, Gil, Hippocrates Brunel
Plaque under mounted head, panel 1.
Plaque on pedestal, panel 1.
? FIJI[35]
Plaque on pedestal below tank holding mermaid, panel 4.
Text at top of sign on short post in front of Monolith, panel 6. This text is very unclear and there is more, completely illegible, text below it.

2018-07-16 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 100
Forum:2018-07-16 (Monday)
Gil, Hippocrates Brunel, Trelawney, <Ancient God-Queens (with minions), <Albia

2018-07-18 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 101
Forum:2018-07-18 (Wednesday)
Hippocrates Brunel, Gil, <Albia, <Visitors to and Members of Albia's Court, Trelawney, <Members of Expedition, <Looters
The Mirrors (Queen's Mirrors), My Father (Klaus), Other Queens/Ancient God-Queens, The Lost City of Ubar, Queen Ishtar-Re, The Royal Archaeological Expeditionary Force

2018-07-20 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 102
Forum:2018-07-20 (Friday)
Hippocrates Brunel, Gil, Trelawney, <Albia, <Random People, <Klaus, <Baby Gil, <Martellus von Blitzengaard, <Violetta, <Krosp, <Agatha
The Mirrors (Queen's Mirrors), The Queens (Ancient God-Queens), My Father (Klaus), Mechanicsburg, Agatha, (Martellus) von Blitzengaard, Prince Sturmvoraus (Tarvek)

Homeward Bound and other art

Occasion: Returning from San Diego Comic-Con and taking a day to rest afterwards.[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2018-07-23 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-07-23 (Monday)
Bear, Dragon, Sun, Moon
"A new patch design that Phil just finished. When this posts, we'll be on our way home from San Diego!" —in text at bottom of image; text that is part of the image itself, not part of the web page code.
Text at top of patch design.

2018-07-25 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-07-25 (Wednesday)
Tarvek, Agatha, Gil
"We are now home from San Diego, but we are very tired indeed. Our story will resume on Friday!" —in text at bottom of image; text that is part of the image itself, not part of the web page code.
Comic-Con was Wonderful. Thanks, everyone!
Title at top of bonus image. The text on the page was actually in caps and small caps. The caps have been kept as uppercase letters, but the small caps have been converted to lowercase for ease of representation and reading.

Bunstable Needs Another Drink

Location: In Professor Homlomium's lab in the Queen's Society dome.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-07-27 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 103
Forum:2018-07-27 (Friday)
Agatha, Lord Bunstable
See here? Things really start to get interesting after the seventh dimension.[36]
The Great Library, Doctor Zardeliv (Dio Zardeliv), Tobber (Professor Homlomium)

2018-07-30 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 104
Forum:2018-07-30 (Monday)
Agatha, Lord Bunstable

2018-08-01 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 105
Forum:2018-08-01 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Lord Bunstable
Old Tobber (Professor Homlomium), Mechanicsburg
  • FOOM

2018-08-03 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 106
Forum:2018-08-03 (Friday)
Agatha, Lord Bunstable, Zeetha, Quintillius Harmon (Lord Snackleford), Dimo, Hadrian Rakethorn?
Label on fire extinguisher wielded by Agatha, visible in panels 1 and 3.
The siren sound effect shown in panels 3 through 5 seems to be intended to represent a single continuous sound that starts in panel 3 and keeps going in panels 4 and 5 and beyond.

Wooster on the Case

Location: On one of Her Majesty's submersibles.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-08-06 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 107
Forum:2018-08-06 (Monday)
Wooster, Tarvek, Female Communications Officer, Higgs, Captain

Art Interruption: Munchkin Girl Genius (non-canon)

Occasion: Phil is too tired to draw a comic page after returning from GenCon, so Kaja posts about a new Girl-Genius-themed Munchkin game instead.[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2018-08-08 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-08-08 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Zoing, Kaja Foglio, Undead Mimmoths
Nuremberg Pudding Incident

Fun at the Museum

Location: In the Royal Collection of Inconvenient Oddities building in Londinium.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-08-10 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 108
Forum:2018-08-10 (Friday)
Hippocrates Brunel, Gil, Trelawney
Brunel: "Ah, I do wish I could have a good long talk with your father. Your account of his recollections intrigues me."
Gil: "Oh, I wish you could as well, Major. Unfortunately, he is still trapped at the Center of the Mechanicsburg time freeze."
Brunel: "Yes…so inconvenient, that…"
Gil: "Indeed. I suspect no one will be talking to him any time soon."
Trelawney (whispered): "Hum. Well, now, that's not entirely the truth…is it?"
Gates (Queen's Mirrors), My/Your Father (Baron Klaus Wulfenbach), Mechanicsburg Time Freeze

2018-08-13 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 109
Forum:2018-08-13 (Monday)
Trelawney, Hippocrates Brunel, Gil, Sobek, Assistant to Brunel?
Queen's Mirrors, Iron Caliphate (Iron Sheik), Egyptian Canopic Puzzle Jars, Heliopean Rebellion, Paris, Journal of the Société Archéologique de l'Etrangé Thanks to a sharp-eyed and knowledgeable[37] Girl Genius, we know the clank in the last panel seems to be based on the ancient Egyptian god Sobek. Thanks to another sharp-eyed and knowledgeable Girl Genius reader[38], we know the glyphs in his speech bubble are not actually in Egyptian, but in a modern computer font that can be used a substitution cypher. The decrypted version of the message is: "King K. Rool is confirmed for Smash!", a reference to the upcoming Nintendo game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and the Nintendo villain King K. Rool.

Wooster, Tarvek and Higgs Arrive

Location: Headquarters of the Queen's Society in England.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-08-15 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 110
Forum:2018-08-15 (Wednesday)
Dimo, Quintillius Harmon (Lord Snackleford), Wooster[39]

2018-08-17 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 111
Forum:2018-08-17 (Friday)
Agatha, Wooster, Quintillius Harmon (Lord Snackleford), Dimo, Zeetha, Hadrian Rakethorn?, Chef/Server, Man with breathing mask over mouth, Ariadne Steelgarter[40],Tarvek, Higgs

2018-08-20 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 112
Forum:2018-08-20 (Monday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Wooster, Higgs, Zeetha
Tarvek (whispered): "Don't recognize Mr. Higgs"

2018-08-22 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 113
Forum:2018-08-22 (Wednesday)
Wooster, Quintillius Harmon (Lord Snackleford), Hadrian Rakethorn, Man with Beard, Tall Woman, Man with Goggles, Tarvek, Agatha, Higgs, Zeetha
Tarvek: As you can see, we have chaperones.

Agatha: Oh, yes. Decorum assured.

Violetta Finds a Thief

Location: Agatha's quarters in the Queen's Society dome.

Names Used Text Extras

2018-08-24 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 114
Forum:2018-08-24 (Friday)
Ariadne Steelgarter, Violetta
Lady Heterodyne (Agatha), Princess Zeetha, Material Harmonics, Skifander

Wooster and Rakethorn (non-canon)

Location: Wooster's temporary office in the Queen's Society dome.[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2018-08-27 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 115
Forum:2018-08-27 (Monday)
Quintillius Harmon, Wooster, Hadrian Rakethorn

Only Two Years? (non-canon)

Location: Headquarters of the Queen's Society in England.[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2018-08-29 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 116
Forum:2018-08-29 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Higgs, Tarvek
Agatha seems to have forgotten that somebody already told her all this.

2018-08-31 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. 117
Forum:2018-08-31 (Friday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Zeetha, Higgs, Oggie
Doctor Rakethorn, Gil

The Remains of a Messy Fight (non-canon)

Location: In the Queen's Society dome[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2018-09-03 (Monday)
Vol.2-5 p. 118
Forum:2018-09-03 (Monday)
Zeetha, Oggie, Ariadne Steelgarter, Eye Guy[41]
Eye Guy: "Lady Steelgarter! What the devil are you doing here?"
Ariadne: "I was discovered! The Smoke Knight caught me in their rooms. She was better than we'd been told."
Eye Guy: "—And where is she now?"
Ariadne: "Dead. Do give me some credit—but I'm through with this. I'm leaving."
Violetta, The Smoke Knight
On open door, panel 1.
  • NOK (×4)

2018-09-05 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-5 p. 119
Forum:2018-09-05 (Wednesday)
Eye Guy[41], Ariadne Steelgarter
Skifandrian, The Princess (Zeetha), The Great Work

Art Interruption: Phil is Ill (non-canon)

Occasion: Phil isn't feeling up to drawing a new page of Girl Genius.[7]

Names Used Text Extras

2018-09-07 (Friday)
Vol.2-5 p. n/a
Forum:2018-09-07 (Friday)
Phil, Vulture, The Winslow
Phil is sick in bed, cowering under his covers with little more than his eyes and the top of his head visible; he is staring with great apprehension at a large vulture perched on top of his blanket. The vulture is peering closely and speculatively back at Phil.
Note at bottom of page image (part of the image), presumably from Kaja: "Phil is sick and feeling a mite melodramatic. We will resume story shortly. Thanks for understanding!"
On the labels of a great array of bottle, vials, and boxes on Phil's bedside table. Some labels are wholly or partly illegible, so this text isn't complete and may not be entirely accurate.
The Winslow is peeking out from behind Phil's pillow.


  1. The second title above, Pomp and Happenstance, was the original title of this section before it became the first page of Act 2, Book 5; when it was still near the end Act 2, Book 4.
  2. The crowd is shown from behind, so it is difficult to identify anyone on this page, but their faces are shown as the scene continues on further pages.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 It is not absolutely certain who this is on this page, but this character can be clearly identified on a later page, and tied back to this image by the costume worn.
  4. In the in-comic present moment for this page, only her voice is heard; but she is shown in flashback in panel 3.
  5. Only the hand of what seems to be a large clank is shown in panel 3. It is positioned as if the hand's owner is lying on the ground, and possibly out commission.
  6. On top of tall pile of luggage in panel 1, partly behind Seffie's word balloon.
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.26 7.27 7.28 7.29 7.30 7.31 7.32 This title for this section is not from the Canon; that is, it is not from the Girl Genius website navigation menu. It was added for easier navigation within the chronology.
  8. The text in the drawing isn't clear, so this transcription may be wrong.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Part of this transcription is deduced from other information given on this page or previously in the comic.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 In the small print at the bottom of this page, which is part of the comic page image, it is identified as "GG Second Journey Vol. 5 Page 00n" (where 'n' stands in for the page number), instead of "Ivo Sharktooth PJ: Page 00n", as the other pages of the "Ivo Sharktooth, P.J." story are. This was an error and was fixed as of mid-September 2017.
  11. Her name isn't given until the next page.
  12. 12.0 12.1 The tavern patrons shown on this page all seem to be soldiers. At least one of them, judging by the insignia on his uniform, is a solder for the Wulfenbach Empire.
  13. His name is given on the next page.
  14. Only Greenclaw's claw is shown in the final panel for this page. The character's complete appearance and name are revealed on the next page.
  15. Narrating, starting in panel 1.
  16. This seems to be an error. This should be page 029; the previous page number was 028.
  17. This seems to be an error. This should be page number 030. The previous page was number 030, but that was also an error; it should have been 029.
  18. The page numbers are back on track, after being incorrect for two pages. The page two pages before this one is numbered 030 when it should have been 029, and the previous page was numbered 001 when it should have been 030.
  19. The names of these two Jägermonsters are revealed on a previous page.
  20. This is different than the previous spelling, Wilkinson.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 The Knights of the Hunts are referred to as "dogs" and "hounds" by the other characters while in their lupine form. This is not only shorter than calling them by their full title, but helps distinguish them from the Smoke Knights. This convention has been used in the "Actions" section here.
  22. "Getting all chummy with Prince Squealy", Act 1, volume 12, page 058 (web), panel 5 ; "Prince Squealy got himself poisoned…", Act 2, volume 3, page 043 (web), panel 3.
  23. "I'd know that girlish scream anywhere! It's Prince 'How Dare You!'", Act 1, volume 12, page 047 (web), panel 3.
  24. 24.0 24.1 AN abbreviates "Absolute Nonsense by Kaja when she's left at home alone…"
  25. cf Sergeant Nak
  26. This is almost certainly an error. This page should be numbered 058; the previous page was 057.
  27. this is spelled with a slash which is problematic; of course we have been calling this "Lunevka"
  28. Probably. The convention in these chronologies is to list the characters from the first panel in which characters appear or are heard speaking in the order in which they speak, and then list any other characters in that panel, from top to bottom and right to left, listing the remaining characters, if any, from the remaining panels following the same convention; considering each panel in the order they are intended to be read. In cases such as today's page, in which the characters can be heard but not seen in the first panel, it can be uncertain who is speaking and, therefore, in which order the characters should be listed.
  29. This character is named later in the story.
  30. This character's name isn't revealed until later in the story.
  31. 31.0 31.1 This character isn't named until the next page.
  32. This character appeared before, but isn't named until the next page.
  33. The mounted monster head is a reference to the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It is the head of the Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh!
  34. There are also references to the short story "The Crown of the Sleeping King". (The article contains a link to this story on the web.) The shield was used to open a hidden door when the proper buttons were pressed forming the shape of the constellation Draco (for Arthur Pendragon). The suit of armor is one of the guardians that came to life to prevent its removal, and the crown is self explanatory.
  35. A reference is also made to the Fiji mermaid, a legendary bit of fakery in the real world that was put on display by none other than P. T. Barnum in his American Museum in 1842. There have been many imitations that have been staples of sideshows for decades following the exhibition of the original, which was apparently destroyed in a fire.
  36. Superstring theories generally posit 10 dimensions, while the generalization M-theory uses 11.
  37. Thanks, Bosda Di'Chi!
  38. Thanks, Geoduck42!
  39. He is not shown on this page but continues his speech on the next one.
  40. This seems to be an incorrectly colored version of Ariadne Steelgarter. Her face and what can be seen of her outfit and ornaments look identical to the last time she was seen.
  41. 41.0 41.1 All you can see of this person (if it is a person; after all, this is Girl Genius) is an eye through a small porthole.


Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor
