Girl Genius
Girl Genius

Appearances subpage for Barry Heterodyne.

This page is a list of appearances of a Girl Genius character or other entity. It was (semi-)automatically generated from the Chronology pages; do not edit. Instead, make sure the Chronology records have the relevant data (links) and request an update from Zarchne.

The list below mainly catalogs links, but if this is a character, it also searches all the text (after the links are removed) for the name or its redirects. This can cause false positives. These matches to non-link text are marked with T.

In the data below, after a prefix showing if flashback, etc. was noted, then if the match is not in the character field (after footnotes removed), the first field that matched is noted, or finally if it is in the footnotes (of any of the fields). This is followed by the contents of the character field (with footnotes stripped out).

These are matches for the words "Barry Heterodyne", "Barry".

Volume I

Late for Class

Agatha Goes Home

Agatha Wakes Up

Volume II

The Dragon From Mars

Agatha is Given the Locket (Flashback)

Volume III

Adam & Lilith Help Out

Klaus' Story

Volume IV

Agatha Meets Zeetha

That Naughty Flashback Scene

Hanging Jagers in Town

The Heterodyne Play

Volume V

A Handy and Enlightening Recap

Short Story Break: "FanFiction"

Volume VI

DuPree is Brought up to Speed

The Weirdness Escalates

Volume VII

The Rumor Mill

Entering Mechanicsburg

Gil protects Klaus

History Lesson

Volume X

The Thing from the Pit

Elsewhere: Maxim Buys a Hat

Knocked Out

General Teatime with Boris

Higgs Knows Secret Passages

Volume XI

Zola in Hospital

Wandering Heroes

Jager Meeting

The Baron, The Storyteller, and Stories

Tiktoffen Makes His Move

Vole Makes His Move

Volume XII

Agatha Meets Some Friends

Agatha and Friends Make Plans

Agatha and Zeetha try on Armor

Franz Proves he can Fly

Volume XIII

Jagermonsters to the Rescue

Volume 2-1

A Discussion About Family

Cheyenne Wright's Homecoming King story

Church and State

Volume 2-2

The Awful Tower

Volume 2-3

Aldin and Larana

Volume 2-5

Zeetha Tells Her Story to a New Audience

Volume 2-8

The New Heterodyne Show

The Dancing Cat

Volume 2-9

Othar Returns!

The Mechanicsburg Guild of Monsters (continued)

Volume 2-10

Art Interruption: 2023–2024 Holiday Break

This page generated from Chronology data downloaded 2024-04-17 22:09+00:00.
