Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Girl Genius

Captain Amit Patel is the master of the operational side of the Castle Wulfenbach. In matters of running the vast airship, Patel would be subordinate only to the Baron and his heir Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, if them. (It is suspected, but not known, that naval etiquette, including the principle that a captain is the absolute master of his ship, is observed in Europan airships in general and Wulfenbach airships in particular. As such, it might be interesting to compare and contrast his position with that of the Heterodyne seneschal, except that almost nothing is known about it.) However, it is the Baron's secretary Boris Dolokhov who undertakes to run the empire at large while the Baron convalesces.

His first name is not used in the comic, but it is given in the novel[1] which also notes that he was one of many air pirates hired by Baron Wulfenbach. Comparison with the text suggests that he may be pictured in the last panel of 2012-01-18 (Wednesday) , however, none are a good match for the sketch used for this article.[2]

Possibly relevant outside information[]

The Captain's job, hairstyle and turban suggest he could possibly be a Sikh, as that religion provides for well-trained warriors who have restrictions against cutting their hair. The surname 'Patel' is not Sikh itself, being Gujarati, but originates not far from what we know of as the Sikh homeland.

Also, Jules Verne portrayed Captain Nemo as man of Indian extraction. It was Disney who protrayed him as a white guy. -- Billy Catringer 06:55, February 21, 2011 (UTC)
